Penn State Defensive Tackle Has Roundhouse Kicking Skills Of A Young Chuck Norris

It might not be a legal football maneuver, but Penn State defensive tackle Anthony Zettel has some serious skills he can put on display if the benches ever clear at Beaver Stadium in State College. The 40-year-old-looking college football player was showing off his roundhouse kicking ability in the Nittany Lions’ locker room this weekend.

Who knew an inside look in the Penn State football locker room…actually no, that joke is low hanging fruit and you expect better from me, so I won’t go there.

Some of you may recognize Zettel as the man who form-tackled a harmless, dying tree last May:

How @anthonyzettel trains in the off season

A video posted by @dudas_5 on

So yeah, this guy is fucking insane.

What is funny is how he nearly decapitates one of his teammates with the brunt force of his roundhouse kick. That takes some natural Jackie Chan-like abilities. That water bottle was probably clocking between 100-130 mph at its peak. Don’t discount the level of prowess one must have to roundhouse kick something like Zettel can. Go outside and try to do it right now. It ain’t easy.

Penn State might have a garbage football team this year, but I’d take Zettel over just about anybody else in college football. That’s not a guy I’d ever want to cross.

[via Twitter]

Image via YouTube

  1. FratPoppa

    Steve – PLEASE drink a large quantity of a certain mixture of chemicals designed to remove certain stains from certain colorless clothing and related materials.

    9 years ago at 3:47 pm
  2. TheFratCock

    Go do a line of rat poison, Steve. All the kids are trying it, you can write a piece on it afterwards.

    9 years ago at 3:49 pm
  3. Fraddington_bear

    Replace the water bottle with SteveHolts scrotum and this article just might be a hit.

    9 years ago at 3:50 pm
    1. OozmaKappa

      How did you get 99 likes in 2 minutes? What are you doing Steve? Are you paying the TFM Tech Guy to make you look better?

      9 years ago at 3:55 pm
    2. FratPoppa

      Your fake “likes” only make me hate you more. I thought I had reached the final depth of my hate, but alas, ’tis a bottomless pit of despair. The next Fail Friday should just be pictures of your parents.

      9 years ago at 4:14 pm
      1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

        Most of these “I hate SteveHolt” comments are forgettable. But “The next Fail Friday should just be pictures of your parents” is pretty funny.

        9 years ago at 6:55 pm
    3. Pete Rose And hoes

      I hope you get banned for life from TFM just like I did from the hall of fame

      9 years ago at 4:30 pm
  4. WestTexasWhiskey

    Steve, the only humor we ever expect to get out of your writing is when TFM publishes your suicide note.

    9 years ago at 4:06 pm
  5. plow_poon

    As much as I hate Steve Holt, I respect the hell out of him. His bullshit click bait advert articles keep this site afloat. He’s the watcher on the wall, the sword in the darkness. He’s not the hero we [think] we deserve. He’s the hero we need.

    9 years ago at 4:30 pm