Penn State Emails Leaked; Looks Bad for Paterno

Another stone was unfortunately turned over in the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State saga, and more shit was discovered under said stone. This time, Paterno’s legacy could take a Tyson-esque uppercut, or what’s left of it. CNN caught wind of a chain of emails between key members of the Penn State administration about how to handle the eye-witness account of Sandusky giving the business to a young boy in the locker room showers.

They implemented a three-part plan that involved contacting the authorities, real law enforcement authorities.

According to CNN in an email dated Feb. 26, 2001, Schultz wrote to Curley about a three-part plan that included talking “with the subject asap regarding the future appropriate use of the University facility,” … “contacting the chair of the charitable organization” and “contacting the Department of Welfare.”

One night of sleep is all it took for Athletic Director Tim Curley to backpedal on this plan. The next day he sent out the following:

“After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps. I am having trouble with going to everyone but the person involved. I would be more comfortable meeting with the person and tell them about the information we received and tell them we are aware of the first situation,” Curley’s email said, according to CNN.

Don’t worry everyone, they made Sandusky “aware” they had knowledge of his actions in the shower. That’ll learn ’em. The picture now becomes clearer for Joe Paterno’s involvement. His “I should’ve done more” line becomes shallow. From the email exchange, one could surmise that Joe actually talked Curley and the rest of the PSU administration OUT OF turning Sandusky over to law enforcement.

This story is disgusting. And now that Paterno has passed away, he won’t be able to answer for himself. His legacy is the only thing left to tear apart. For those clinging to anything they could to uphold the honorable image they once saw in Joe Paterno, it is time to let go.

  1. Doug_Neidermeyer

    Penn State seriously needs to change their name. It’s their only way of detaching the university from Sandusky’s actions. You can dislike Paterno and the others all you want but in the end it’s Sandusky that committed the crime. There is no doubt that Paterno should have done more, but he wasn’t the one sexually assaulting children.

    12 years ago at 2:01 am
  2. AmishZAX

    Sandusky will likely be sent to Laurel Highlands in middle of nowhere PA. A minimum security prison similar to an old folks home. Much more than that fuck deserves.

    Joe Paterno’s legacy is getting uglier than the Cavs when they lost lebron. Sheesh.

    12 years ago at 8:56 am