Penn State Football. NF.

Unless you’re in Hell Week or have been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the disaster in the not-so-aptly-named Happy Valley. If you’ve miraculously managed to avoid the unsettling news, let me catch you up. A report was recently released revealing a disturbing trail of events involving the Penn State football program. Basically, it turned into a bastion of pedophilia under Coach Joe Paterno’s watch.

Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State football player and long time assistant coach, is being charged with a minimum of 40 counts of sexual assault. Allegedly, Sandusky repeatedly fondled and raped young boys, and many times these acts took place on the PSU campus while using PSU football facilities. This shit began happening over a decade ago minimum, and despite a 2002 eye witness account by a Penn State football graduate assistant at the time, and current wide receiver coach Mike McQueary, the police were not informed. Not. Fucking. Informed.

McQueary, who suffers from a devastating case of Gingervitis and an ironically homosexual-sounding last name, walked in on Sandusky giving the business to a 10-year-old boy in the locker room showers. What’s the proper protocol here? Do you whip his ass and call the cops? I mean…at minimum you put a stop to it and call the cops, right? Well, according to the soulless McQueary, no. All he did was wait until the next day to tell Coach Paterno about the sodomy he witnessed. Paterno turned the information over to the athletic director, who then notified the school president according to the report. So, what did they do? They sat on this information. These sick assholes thought it was in their best interest not to inform law enforcement officials. They decided to sweep pedophilia and rape under the rug and continue to provide Sandusky ample opportunity to ruin the lives of more young boys for years to come. So far 9 young men have come forward in what has become a massive investigation and as a result, criminal court case against Sandusky.

Hey Mike McQueary, athletic director Tim Curley and president Gary Schultz, how have you been able to live with yourselves for all these years knowing you could have put a stop to this shit…and didn’t?

Hey Joe Paterno, you senile prick. Your legacy is forever tainted. You’re no longer the likable Joe Pa character we’ve all grown to appreciate. You put your football program above the lives of young, helpless, innocent kids. You are now a pederast enabler.

Hey Sandusky, have fun in hell you sick son of a bitch. Please don’t take the easy way out. You deserve what’s coming to you behind prison walls.

No humor to be had here, just a big “fuck you” from the TFM community to the Penn State University administration.

    1. PTG Beauregard

      Wouldn’t it be something if they just didn’t? If they refused to play until all the appropriate heads rolled? The players would instantly go down as legendary.

      13 years ago at 11:59 pm
    2. high kapp

      It would be awesome for the players to do that but they probably wouldn’t be able to play for years. I don’t know how you can put much effort into a program who has been raping children under your nose though.

      13 years ago at 1:55 am
    3. Constantine Chapter

      stop watching remember the titans and rudy fucktard thats not how college football works…players dont just not play. That being said Sandusky can sit next to Bin Laden in Hell and Joe Pa is nothing more than a greasy w0p that epitomizes the east coast…if you pulled that shit in the sec or big 12 country you’d be lynched rightly so.

      13 years ago at 2:40 am
    4. truenorthfratdaddy

      what happened at PSU is completely fucked by Constantine are you seriously going to make this a regional thing? That’s low. John Wayne Gacy lived in “Big 12 Country” did he not? and he raped and killed 33 teenage boys. so fuck you.

      13 years ago at 3:13 pm
    5. Constantine Chapter

      was he part of collegiate athletics…yea he wasn’t and the point i was making is that if a coach did this in these areas automatically would have been fired… Shula, Eutacey, Solich, the list goes on and on and these guys didnt molest kids

      13 years ago at 6:37 pm
  1. Franklin H Brobey

    Joe Pa, as much as he is loved by many, has to carry some fault in this, along with McQueary, Curley, and Schultz. Their lack of action allowed that monster to victimize more children, using a charity associated with the University. The Board of Trustees will probably clean house with everyone involved in this that did nothing to stop it. Including Paterno. Its a shame that a great coaching career will end this way, but honestly, I care more about justice for the victims that couldn’t defend themselves than I do about the jobs of those apathetic assholes who did nothing to prevent this. Oh, and Sandusky, wait til you see what prisoners do to people like you in prison. Enjoy hell, bastard.

    13 years ago at 10:49 pm
  2. Roger Sterling Jr

    Not to overlook the the whole ordeal involving the countless lives which were horribly altered by these events but, as a PSU football fan, THANK GOD JOE PA is going to be gone. The past 5 years has been full of great recruits choosing the hell holes knows as Ohio State and Pitt over PSU because they didn’t know if Joe Paterno would still be the coach for their sophomore, junior, and senior seasons. Before these horrible events occurred, I would have said he’s not the coach he once was and he needs to get out so the Penn State program can get back to where it once was. Now, the same holds true, but what kind of scumbag has knowledge of one of his employee’s doing that to a kid and still keeps them on their staff/doesn’t call the police? More of a scumbag, though, is McQueary..WHO ACTUALLY SAW IT HAPPEN.

    How do you go to work the next day and work with Sandusky after you saw him slamming a little kid?

    Get rid of all of the scumbags composing the current staff and get Urban Meyer into State College.

    13 years ago at 10:52 pm
    1. Fratting hard

      Hate to break it to you, but I don’t think the worry of JoePa being gone by their junior year is the reason why recruits aren’t going to be heading to Happy Valley

      13 years ago at 8:31 am
  3. J Fratpont Morgan

    There’s a whole lot of fucking up that went on here, and I’m not just talking about this not making it to the police. Why the other coaches didn’t gang-beat the shit out of this guy the second they found out what he was doing, I have no idea. I’d say send him to jail for life so he can be raped continuously, but he’d probably enjoy that. Burn this bastard at the stake.

    13 years ago at 11:05 pm
  4. Bros A Bank

    All I have to say is wait for all the facts to come out before torching the reputation of one of the greatest coaches in college sports. He and all his staff will have their day both in this world and the next.

    13 years ago at 11:20 pm
  5. TomFratMoore

    hearing it through someone and not directly seeing it happen, and cuz he’s JOE PA, i’ll let him off the hook, but FUCK the rest of PSU and your damn two extra yards!

    13 years ago at 11:25 pm
  6. Fratent Pending

    How nobody in the PSU conference room discussing how to handle this situation didn’t stand up and tell everyone else to go fuck themselves, and call the authorities and the media is fucking disgusting. Fuck the entire PSU program, and school, they are all to blame because no one took a stand to do what was actually “right” and assist in bringing this cunt to justice.

    13 years ago at 11:48 pm
  7. A Frattest H

    Preface: I did not read through all of the comments.

    Firstly, I’ve been following this pretty closely as Penn State plays a big role in my family’s history. I’ve also read all 23 pages of the Grand Jury’s report.
    Regarding Joe Pa, I think it is a shame that his name is going to be tainted as he is by far the most iconic college football coaches in history and, let’s be honest, he doesn’t have that many years left on this earth. Despite what some of you may think, when this was brought to his attention it was an allegation, something he couldn’t say for certain was valid or not. Reporting it to the sports director was the right thing to do and technically the only thing he was legally supposed to do. Do I think he should have done more about it? Absolutely. If I were in his position you can bet your ass I would make sure that shit was figured out immediately. I don’t think he should be held as responsible as others but that is my opinion and you don’t have to agree with me on that.
    It’s also unfair to blame the entire school. That college is one of the best in the nation and the blame should only be placed on those that were involved. This could have happened at any school and to blame the college as a whole is wrong.
    That being said, the people who caught Sandusky in the act should have whooped his mother fucking ass unmercifully right then and there.
    I seriously hope that Sandusky is sentenced to life in a federal prison. God knows that inmates despise, and let’s call it what it is, people who rape children. They will make sure the rest of his life is a living hell before he falls into the 7th circle of eternal damnation.

    13 years ago at 12:38 am
    1. John McClane

      ^Agreed. This guy (as I refuse to call anyone who would do this a man) deserves anything and everything coming to him. I think it’d also be a good idea if they remove his vocal cords before he goes to jail, simply so no one can hear him scream as he is repeatedly ass-fucked.

      13 years ago at 1:08 am