Penn State Football. NF.

Unless you’re in Hell Week or have been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the disaster in the not-so-aptly-named Happy Valley. If you’ve miraculously managed to avoid the unsettling news, let me catch you up. A report was recently released revealing a disturbing trail of events involving the Penn State football program. Basically, it turned into a bastion of pedophilia under Coach Joe Paterno’s watch.

Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State football player and long time assistant coach, is being charged with a minimum of 40 counts of sexual assault. Allegedly, Sandusky repeatedly fondled and raped young boys, and many times these acts took place on the PSU campus while using PSU football facilities. This shit began happening over a decade ago minimum, and despite a 2002 eye witness account by a Penn State football graduate assistant at the time, and current wide receiver coach Mike McQueary, the police were not informed. Not. Fucking. Informed.

McQueary, who suffers from a devastating case of Gingervitis and an ironically homosexual-sounding last name, walked in on Sandusky giving the business to a 10-year-old boy in the locker room showers. What’s the proper protocol here? Do you whip his ass and call the cops? I mean…at minimum you put a stop to it and call the cops, right? Well, according to the soulless McQueary, no. All he did was wait until the next day to tell Coach Paterno about the sodomy he witnessed. Paterno turned the information over to the athletic director, who then notified the school president according to the report. So, what did they do? They sat on this information. These sick assholes thought it was in their best interest not to inform law enforcement officials. They decided to sweep pedophilia and rape under the rug and continue to provide Sandusky ample opportunity to ruin the lives of more young boys for years to come. So far 9 young men have come forward in what has become a massive investigation and as a result, criminal court case against Sandusky.

Hey Mike McQueary, athletic director Tim Curley and president Gary Schultz, how have you been able to live with yourselves for all these years knowing you could have put a stop to this shit…and didn’t?

Hey Joe Paterno, you senile prick. Your legacy is forever tainted. You’re no longer the likable Joe Pa character we’ve all grown to appreciate. You put your football program above the lives of young, helpless, innocent kids. You are now a pederast enabler.

Hey Sandusky, have fun in hell you sick son of a bitch. Please don’t take the easy way out. You deserve what’s coming to you behind prison walls.

No humor to be had here, just a big “fuck you” from the TFM community to the Penn State University administration.

  1. bobby_cox

    This is absolutely disgusting. I don’t care how many games anyone has won, anyone who witnessed this or who heard about this should have not only reported Sandusky, but should have killed him. It’s absolutely wrong that he had a center that boys lived at and ever even thought about anything sexual concerning them. These kids were not as privileged as most the people reading this but they have they same rights as an American citizen. Everyone is responsible in this messed up situation and they all should pay. I am going to pray for all the children effected in this and I hope they can eventually live a normal life. May God have mercy on everyone that is associated in this scandal’s soul.

    13 years ago at 1:51 am
  2. Active Brother

    Fuck PSU administration for letting this shit happen. Fuck Paterno for not going to the cops. Fuck everyone who saw it and didn’t immediately black out from rage and kick the shit out of Sandusky. Fuck the kids that say Paterno should stay.

    13 years ago at 2:25 am
  3. Phi Psi Fratter

    He deserves to take a prison shower lap, then a gruesome death, and eternity in hell. Fuck him. Fuck everyone involved who didn’t alert the police.

    13 years ago at 3:16 am
  4. General Fratton 12

    Fuck Sadunsky. What he did is disturbing and sickening and he deserves a special place in hell. I think as far as Paterno is concerned, I’m not gonna condemn him yet until everything plays out.

    13 years ago at 7:24 am
  5. joshposhpoint0

    I’m confused, people are more angered by Joe Pa not reporting it than by McQueary not reporting it? Shouldn’t he have called the cops instantly?

    13 years ago at 7:58 am
    1. joshposhpoint0

      Not saying paterno isn’t in the wrong, but shouldn’t mcqueary be getting a little more blame for this not going to authorities considering he was supposedly an eye witness?

      13 years ago at 8:00 am
    2. Fratting hard

      Going to authorities? What about the fact that he didn’t stop that bitch from raping a 10 year old boy? He watched it happen and went on with his day. I think JoePa should resign immediately, but feel that McQueary is much more to blame for not getting that poor kid out of there. By the end of the year I don’t see anyone surviving this mess, including the University president

      13 years ago at 8:36 am
  6. Masters in MRS

    (a) General rule. Under 23 Pa.C.S. § 6311 (relating to persons required to report suspected child abuse), licensees who, in the course of the employment, occupation or practice of their profession, come into contact with children shall report or cause a report to be made to the Department of Public Welfare when they have reasonable cause to suspect on the basis of their professional or other training or experience, that a child coming before them in their professional or official capacity is a victim of child abuse.

    The fact that Joe Paterno is a great football coach is not in question. The children being abused were not students at Penn State. There is no way that reporting this incident to the administration could constitute one doing the right thing.

    13 years ago at 8:47 am
  7. ThomasFraterson

    luckily he won’t last long in prison. Child rapists usually get killed in a couple months after being placed in prison.

    13 years ago at 9:04 am
  8. FratasticMrOX

    I suppose the most probable reasons why Paterno didn’t report the allegations to the police are

    1. They were only allegations and he didn’t know the severity of them.
    2. He didn’t want a scandal/was trying to uphold Penn States reputation.

    In the case of the former, then he made an honest mistake and it’s not his fault. If it’s the latter then he should immediately resign and re-evaluate his morals.

    13 years ago at 9:29 am
    1. BROnard Ramsey

      With all due respect sir, how could one not understand the severity of the allegations? The second I hear “60 year old man, 10 year old boy, shower” I’m not brushing that off as nothing and it seems that is what he did. I think he should resign immediately. All of this happened under his watch, so he is held responsible.

      13 years ago at 11:44 am
  9. redwhiteblue

    Schultz was director of finance the president of psu is graham spanierd who was not informed of the event until recently. There is also a chance that what joe was told by the soulless ginger fuck was he saw inapporiate conduct which could mean many things….

    13 years ago at 9:37 am
    1. zeta totes adorbs

      lololol. Go read the grand jury report, none of that information is correct. GTFO

      13 years ago at 12:28 pm