Penn State Football. NF.

Unless you’re in Hell Week or have been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the disaster in the not-so-aptly-named Happy Valley. If you’ve miraculously managed to avoid the unsettling news, let me catch you up. A report was recently released revealing a disturbing trail of events involving the Penn State football program. Basically, it turned into a bastion of pedophilia under Coach Joe Paterno’s watch.

Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State football player and long time assistant coach, is being charged with a minimum of 40 counts of sexual assault. Allegedly, Sandusky repeatedly fondled and raped young boys, and many times these acts took place on the PSU campus while using PSU football facilities. This shit began happening over a decade ago minimum, and despite a 2002 eye witness account by a Penn State football graduate assistant at the time, and current wide receiver coach Mike McQueary, the police were not informed. Not. Fucking. Informed.

McQueary, who suffers from a devastating case of Gingervitis and an ironically homosexual-sounding last name, walked in on Sandusky giving the business to a 10-year-old boy in the locker room showers. What’s the proper protocol here? Do you whip his ass and call the cops? I mean…at minimum you put a stop to it and call the cops, right? Well, according to the soulless McQueary, no. All he did was wait until the next day to tell Coach Paterno about the sodomy he witnessed. Paterno turned the information over to the athletic director, who then notified the school president according to the report. So, what did they do? They sat on this information. These sick assholes thought it was in their best interest not to inform law enforcement officials. They decided to sweep pedophilia and rape under the rug and continue to provide Sandusky ample opportunity to ruin the lives of more young boys for years to come. So far 9 young men have come forward in what has become a massive investigation and as a result, criminal court case against Sandusky.

Hey Mike McQueary, athletic director Tim Curley and president Gary Schultz, how have you been able to live with yourselves for all these years knowing you could have put a stop to this shit…and didn’t?

Hey Joe Paterno, you senile prick. Your legacy is forever tainted. You’re no longer the likable Joe Pa character we’ve all grown to appreciate. You put your football program above the lives of young, helpless, innocent kids. You are now a pederast enabler.

Hey Sandusky, have fun in hell you sick son of a bitch. Please don’t take the easy way out. You deserve what’s coming to you behind prison walls.

No humor to be had here, just a big “fuck you” from the TFM community to the Penn State University administration.

  1. Tom Petty Jr

    So if an older women going after young guy is a cougar, then is an older guy going for younger boys a nittany lion?

    13 years ago at 10:21 am
  2. 1734

    Hey TFM. FUCK YOU! Call us when you have a coach who has over 400 wins in division one all at the same school.

    13 years ago at 10:54 am
    1. Frat Phil

      I’d settle for a winless coach that speaks up when little boys are being raped in his showers.

      13 years ago at 11:08 am
    2. Dr Fratology

      ^Ditto frat phil.

      1734 drag your ass back down to the hazement where you belong.

      13 years ago at 11:13 am
    3. Dr Fratology

      ^ Yup, and Michael Jackson was one of the most successful recording artists of all time by units sold – but do we give two shits about that? Nuff said.

      13 years ago at 11:23 am
    4. 1734

      Fuck each and every one of you. Joe Pa is not even indicted and he never will be. He is innocent. Kindly go fuck yourselves while playing shitty football and living in the shit shacks you guys call houses. I’ll be in the frat mansion toasting to Joe Pa with my finest bourbon and best cigar

      13 years ago at 11:52 am
    5. BROnard Ramsey

      Why must you troll on this column? Honestly, we all put up with everyone else’s trolling bullshit on other post, columns, photos, etc. But this is a very serious issue and many lives have been affected. What has been done under Paternos watch is disgusting and unforgivable. For anyone to stand behind him or pretend to is just stupid. Fuck you troll.

      13 years ago at 12:07 pm
    6. Zamerson1868

      You really think Penn State is that fucking good just because they have that many wins in a shitastic conference? that’s about as equivalent to winning the special olympics. Why don’t you put any SEC team there an you will have that record beaten in no time. Of course why the fuck would the SEC want to even be in the same conference as pieces of shit like the big ten.

      13 years ago at 1:35 pm

      13 years ago at 1:35 pm
    8. fratearlyfratoften25

      ladies ladies, relax. 1734 goes to Penn State, he doesnt know any better. they accept any retard who applies. oo and i forgot to mention FUCK YOU

      13 years ago at 2:45 pm
    9. brad s

      He’s been coaching since ’66 and has only 2 National Championships. Shut the fuck up. Not only are you backing up a coach who hasn’t won a title since the 80s, you’re backing up someone who knew about the molestation of boys and didn’t do the morally right thing.

      13 years ago at 3:57 pm
  3. Stay Hammered

    If you’ve read the 23 page report on this you would know that the community had been suspicious of Sandusky’s behavior quite a while before McQueary caught him in the shower. The man basically started a charity in the 70’s called The Second Mile just so he could get closer to troubled young boys. He would often take these boys with him to sporting events, buy them gifts, and always had at least one spend the night in his basement. He would visit the kids’ schools and pull them out of class just so he could fondle them in a private room. He would often call each boy’s house several times a day trying to get a hold of them to the point that the kids would hide in a closet every time their phone rang.

    Knowing all this the entire community turned a blind eye. The men who ran the football program were literally untouchable to the point that one of them could get away with these sickening actions. Sandusky should be put in prison for life and everyone on the staff who knew about it should lose their jobs. Don’t try and defend JoePa, he put his football team over the lives of countless boys and if his career ends in shame, so be it.

    13 years ago at 11:04 am
  4. zeta totes adorbs

    My heart breaks for the victims and this is truly devastating. However, i don’t think that this ignorant column is appropriate in anyway. If you haven’t read the Grand Jury report, please don’t act like you know everything just because of some reports the media made. Media lies. Penn State administration should be embarrassed, but not everyone as a whole should be blamed for a small group of peoples mistakes. Joe did what he was legally obligated to do. He did not witness anything, therefore he went to his boss and reported what he was told. Before you go harassing the university as a whole, maybe you should think of the innocent students who come on this site for fun, who can not escape any of the negativity their school is getting. They don’t need it from all of you too.

    13 years ago at 12:25 pm
  5. daddylovesanADPi

    Here at TFM, you all push the envelope just about as far as you can with nearly every subject you write about. This column, though, takes it too far. As a student at Penn Sate, I know a little more about the situation than some random in Texas. If you want to write about something so controvercial, get your facts straight first. JoePa, a legend both on the field and off, has put much of his time and money into advancing Penn State athletics as well as academics (ie the Paterno Library or the honors program named after him). Regardless of the actions of the disgusting men around him, he will continue to be one of the greatest benefactors of the university and I find it tasteless of you to condemn him like this. He did everything he legally could, including informing the head of campus police (since the act he reported occured on campus), and, having been informed that his superiors would handle the situation, stepped away, as he should have. I don’t deny that administrators haven’t handled the situation appropriately, but that bears no effect on the legacy of the man that has dedicated his life to this institution for the last 60+ years. As I said, I never knew fratstars to be classy, but this article is so much worse than what I expect from TFM.

    13 years ago at 12:35 pm
    1. Frat Squire

      Yeah but you’r ignoring the fact that MIAMI is going to beat Florida State this weekend…

      13 years ago at 12:44 pm
    2. All_Liquored_Up

      “…and, having been informed that his superiors would handle the situation, stepped away, as he should have.”

      Really? So if someone comes to you and tells you they just witnessed a man, a former colleague, having sex with a boy in your locker room, you don’t immediately go to the police? You just pass the buck to the higher ups and the don’t even FOLLOW UP ON IT? Step away? In this situation, do you think it was appropriate to “step away?” Did you even read the grand jury report or can you not multi-task while in the kitchen?

      13 years ago at 1:31 pm
    3. VAkappadelt

      Also, the fact that he is a great benefactor doesn’t mean anything. Nobody cares that he advanced Penn State acadmecis and athletics. That’s irrelevant here. Unless, of course, you’re implying that they way he behaved in this situation is somehow remedied by how may dollars he gave to the school.

      Furthermore, saying “he did everything he legally could, including informing the head of campus police,” is a completely ignorant statment. You act like a university campus is some indepentent state, complete with its own police jurisdiction. He could have told the ACTUAL police. What was “legally” barring him from doing that?

      13 years ago at 1:41 pm
    4. daddylovesanADPi

      It is its own police jurisdiction! University Park is its own locale with its own police force, zipcode, post office, etc. So by informing campus police, he has informed the force with jurisdiction over the incident. This is what I meant by people who don’t go here. You don’t get it. You don’t know enough about the situation to comment on it. I have in fact read the report, along with the rest of the crim students, have you read it? Doubt it. According to legal concepts like slander, it would be illegal for him to continue to ‘defame’ sandusky without any actual proof, since he didn’t even witness the occurance. So yeah, he had to step away. And I noted all of his contributions simply because this one piece of his career, that really isn’t even about him, that’s about Sandusky and the victims, will not completely destroy the legacy of a wonderful person.

      13 years ago at 2:04 pm
    5. zeta totes adorbs

      daddylovesanADPI, that was so well said, i give you so many props. My heart is broken, i could barely get through the whole grand jury report because it made me so sick. I will continue to bleed blue and white, regardless of what ridicule that may bring. People on the outside will never understand. Especially the know it alls on this site who always have to give their two sense on everything.

      13 years ago at 2:45 pm
    6. fratearlyfratoften25

      ok, valid argument until you made the dumbass comment about slander and legality. here, in America, it is not a tort, it is a civil action. In the event Sandusky sued JoePa or tried to press charges,which he never would, he would lose. The burden of proof rests on the defense and it would very quickly come out that Sandusky was, indeed, a rapist. Stop trying to act smart, you go to Penn State, stop acting like you know the law just because you took one class, stop acting like you read the report, and stop acting like you know more than everyone just because you go there. Thats like me saying I know everything about the Yankees, because I went to Yankee Stadium. Fact is, no one knows what really whent down but in the end, if Joe knew, he’s done. Joe may not have broken the law (which I have yet to determine based on the FACTS, which have not fully come to light yet) but he fucked up. plain and simple. and thats all i have to say about that

      13 years ago at 2:56 pm
    7. joshposhpoint0

      You can find the report online, and if you would take the time to read it you’d find Paterno committed no crime. The idiocy of your Yankee Stadium comparison is unbelievable. In no way is visiting a baseball stadium the same as attending a college. I’m not saying Paterno didn’t make a mistake, but the wrong mans head is being called for. McQueary was an eye-witness and didn’t report it to Paterno until the next day. According to the gj report Paterno never was an eye-witness. Paterno deserves his FAIR share of the blame, which should be far less than that of McQueary, the AD, and the president. Have a nice day, and enjoy knowing that you completely and utterly failed in your attempt to condescendingly disprove the argument of a very well informed lady.

      13 years ago at 7:56 pm
    8. Success

      I really want to let this go but Jesus you just wrong. Joe Pa did “everything he legally could”? Absolutely wrong. I have read the indictment, the grand jury report and Penn law. That son of a bitch buried his head in the sand. He reported to the AD and hoped it would be ok. Is he a good coach? Undoubtedly. Is he a good man? Absolutely not. And while campus security has first level jurisdiction, the city police and state police are primary to any campus security. Simply put Paterno ran afoul of the Child Protective Services law so before you tell everyone else how wrong they are, do your research.

      13 years ago at 9:04 pm
    9. alphalovealways1897

      Not to mention, you are completely ignoring the fact that anonymous hotlines exist solely for reporting child abuse. He didn’t even have to go to the police, all he had to do was call a 1 800 number.

      13 years ago at 10:55 pm
    10. alphalovealways1897

      Also, he was legally required to do so because he came into contact with children via his profession. This is a law pertaining to ALL child care workers. I would know because I work at a school. You don’t have to have evidence, any hint that abuse is going on warrants a call.

      13 years ago at 10:57 pm
  6. Fratin Crunch

    Anybody else find it ironic that Sandusky wrote a book in 2001 titled: “Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story”

    13 years ago at 1:02 pm
    1. The_Chilis_Guy

      He touched me in the chili’s bathroom like a catholic priest in the choir room, but I kinda liked it at the time so I never reported it… (I’m probably going to hell for this post, but The Chili’s Guy don’t give a shit)

      13 years ago at 1:15 pm
  7. 2ironking

    As a TKE at Penn State, we as a brotherhood look down upon Paterno and his coaching staff. Regardless of his glorious history, we are very disappointed. For this to happen, we please ask all TFM users to take this with a grain of salt, we are FaF here at TKE, and we plan on staying that way.

    13 years ago at 1:18 pm
    1. joshposhpoint0

      Declaring yourself “FaF” literally has to be one of the gayest things you could have added to that comment.

      13 years ago at 2:20 pm
    2. The_Chilis_Guy

      If you have to say you’re FaF, you probably aren’t. Except for me. Because I am FaF.

      13 years ago at 6:25 pm
    3. 2ironking

      I strongly advise you to visit the Tau Kappa Epsilon chapter here at PSU. Ask for Rutherford Baines McConville and I was treat you all to a night of the finest scotch, cuban cigars, and bikini clad women. Thank you.

      13 years ago at 12:19 am