Penn State Football. NF.

Unless you’re in Hell Week or have been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the disaster in the not-so-aptly-named Happy Valley. If you’ve miraculously managed to avoid the unsettling news, let me catch you up. A report was recently released revealing a disturbing trail of events involving the Penn State football program. Basically, it turned into a bastion of pedophilia under Coach Joe Paterno’s watch.

Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State football player and long time assistant coach, is being charged with a minimum of 40 counts of sexual assault. Allegedly, Sandusky repeatedly fondled and raped young boys, and many times these acts took place on the PSU campus while using PSU football facilities. This shit began happening over a decade ago minimum, and despite a 2002 eye witness account by a Penn State football graduate assistant at the time, and current wide receiver coach Mike McQueary, the police were not informed. Not. Fucking. Informed.

McQueary, who suffers from a devastating case of Gingervitis and an ironically homosexual-sounding last name, walked in on Sandusky giving the business to a 10-year-old boy in the locker room showers. What’s the proper protocol here? Do you whip his ass and call the cops? I mean…at minimum you put a stop to it and call the cops, right? Well, according to the soulless McQueary, no. All he did was wait until the next day to tell Coach Paterno about the sodomy he witnessed. Paterno turned the information over to the athletic director, who then notified the school president according to the report. So, what did they do? They sat on this information. These sick assholes thought it was in their best interest not to inform law enforcement officials. They decided to sweep pedophilia and rape under the rug and continue to provide Sandusky ample opportunity to ruin the lives of more young boys for years to come. So far 9 young men have come forward in what has become a massive investigation and as a result, criminal court case against Sandusky.

Hey Mike McQueary, athletic director Tim Curley and president Gary Schultz, how have you been able to live with yourselves for all these years knowing you could have put a stop to this shit…and didn’t?

Hey Joe Paterno, you senile prick. Your legacy is forever tainted. You’re no longer the likable Joe Pa character we’ve all grown to appreciate. You put your football program above the lives of young, helpless, innocent kids. You are now a pederast enabler.

Hey Sandusky, have fun in hell you sick son of a bitch. Please don’t take the easy way out. You deserve what’s coming to you behind prison walls.

No humor to be had here, just a big “fuck you” from the TFM community to the Penn State University administration.

  1. This is not a ‘sex scandal’. Sex scandal implies that everyone was over age and there was consent. JoePa having sex with college students is a scandal, Sandusky was raping children, this is child abuse not a sex scandal. Clinton had a scandal, Sandusky is a pedophile and this is child abuse to the utmost. Clean that shit up media, tell it like it is

    13 years ago at 1:33 pm
  2. FraterReagan

    Im withholding all judgement because I do not know exactly what McQueary told Joe Pa. Don’t let the media’s opinions sway yours. We have yet to hear statement from anyone involved. So frankly no one knows anything for sure.

    13 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. Makers Marksman

      Read the Grand Jury report involving Victim 2, “graduate assistant” is McQueary.

      13 years ago at 5:12 pm
  3. Zamerson1868

    I’ll say this. the chair is too easy of an escape for this sick fuck. The best thing to do is put him among other prisoners so he gets his ass beat to a pulp, and also so he will experience the same events and damages those innocent children suffered from and still do. After he’s as emotionally scarred as the children who he ruined lives, the best thing to do is stick that sick fuck in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. the chair lets them take the easy way out, but being locked in a hole only being able to see the sick fuck you are and go psychologically insane.

    13 years ago at 1:43 pm
    1. Zamerson1868

      will make you go psychologically insane* And might I add, when you have scandals like this shit, you know you aren’t in SEC territory/The Bible Belt.

      13 years ago at 1:45 pm
    2. zeta totes adorbs

      Scandals like this can happen anywhere. Sick people can move anywhere. It has nothing to do with it happening in the north.

      13 years ago at 5:24 pm
  4. Frattapalooza

    Casey Anthony’s actions were pretty fucking hard to top… but over a decade of sodomizing 10 children is far worse…. sending shockwaves far wider, effecting far more people.

    13 years ago at 2:50 pm
  5. Eskimo_Bro

    Fuck Sandusky for what he did & fuck McQueary for not reporting him to the cops. May God bless each & every victim of Sandusky.

    13 years ago at 3:14 pm
    1. Pharaoh of Frats

      I’m pretty sure God has his back turned with his ears plugged saying “la la la” this whole time.

      13 years ago at 3:59 pm
  6. GeauxSoutherners

    I don’t git whats the big deal here? A little man love is just fine so long as you keep it within the family. Dis stuff happens all the time down here there’s nothin’ wrong with a little backwoods amour de l’homme hehehe. At least in the SEC we don’t go a puttin our football at risk cuz of it. Geaux Tigers!

    13 years ago at 4:42 pm
  7. StFratrick

    How do you make a Penn State Burger?

    Stick a 45 year old piece of meat between two 10 year old buns.

    13 years ago at 5:32 pm
  8. Dirty Bird

    Actually, Joe Paterno informed both his superior AND the head of University Police. He was told that things would be taken care of.

    13 years ago at 6:11 pm
  9. Sam Fratford

    I read the entire Grand Jury report and it made me sick to my stomach. Especially the quote from the Korean War veteran. It is extremely disturbing and saddening. Read it and tell me you don’t think this sick batard should get everything he deserves and more.

    13 years ago at 7:28 pm
  10. psushitsonyou


    first off let me say that am i in no way defending Sandusky at all here or am I saying that the situation he caused isnt terrible.

    Now, if you judge a university or football program on one man then your are an ignorant dumbass, and albeit jealousy sparked this article which in my opinion and 59,999 other students is completely one sided and uninformed. Sandusky, Shultz and Curley are the bad guys here. Even McQueary to an extent cause he witnessed what happened. You guys make it seem like Paterno is the evil head of all of this when really the administration is to blame. Over 1,000 students took to the streets and protested Paterno having to step down last night and called for the resignation of President Spainer who is a real piece of shit. Just cause Nick Saban or Gene Chizik dont have 409 wins dont hate on jealousy. And the funniest part of the article is is that you are saying a football program is “Not Frat” because of this when “Fratness” and a NCAA sec scandal have nothing to do with each other. And if you ignorant dumbasses really believe this then make the title of the article Joe Paterno and Sandkusy NF. Why is Matt McGloin, Derek Moye and Silas Redd NF when they are just players who were in grade school when this happened. According to this websites definition of a TFM if Sandusky was wearing a pastel vineyard vines shirt with croakies and ray bans in red shorts and gold cup sperrys when he was committing his crime. Would that make all that shit NF too? Honestly keep your NF TFM FAF TFTC bullshit to fraternity shit. And on that note penn state has one of the biggest greek communities in the country with over a dozen chapters at over 100 brothers, 40 room mansions, almost 30 sororities and some of the best parties in the country. Have any of you dumbasses looked up the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon aka THON. We raised 9.5 mil last year for kids with cancer and 78 mil since it was started in 1975. what did your IFC do? And of were the top recruited school in the nation for jobs. BOOM respond to that. Plus half the SEC schools are a complete joke, my sperrys are smart enough to get into Alabama or LSU. So be informed, stop hating on those that dont deserve it and keep your commentary to actual frat shit.

    Penn State Frat Star.

    13 years ago at 7:28 pm