golf push cart college pros

PGA Tour Pros Are Absolutely Dragging College Golfers For Using Push Carts

golf push cart college pros

When it comes to controversies or discrepancies surrounding college sports, golf isn’t exactly a major conversation driver (golf pun). But as the 2018 NCAA Championship just came to an end on Wednesday, the biggest news seemed to be the fact that the championship golfers were using push carts.

Apparently, it’s creating quite the wedge (golf pun, the sequel) between some PGA Tour pros and college players.

From Golf Digest:

It started with Harris English:

Then a few others responded knocking push carts, including English’s former teammate at Georgia, Brian Harman:

Ouch. And this isn’t just a Bulldogs belief:

And even eight-time LPGA Tour winner Brittany Lincicome came down hard on college golfers pushing their clubs around:

Damn. Golf isn’t exactly the first sport that comes to mind when you think of the older, more established players calling out the new guard for being pussies, yet here we are.

But the whole “goddamn millennials” argument doesn’t really work here; just look at the ages of the anti-push cart contingency. Harris English is 28. Brian Harman is 31, as is Billy Horschel. Harold Varner III is 27. John Peterson is 29. LPGA star Brittany Lincicome is 32. They may not be green (golf pun, part 3), but they’re certainly not what comes to mind when you think old school.

I’d like to hear some of the greats’ opinions on this matter. Tiger, for example, would probably be all about push carts considering his fucked-up back situation. Phil Mickelson would probably openly be fine with it, but then secretly talk shit about it behind closed doors. Fuck it, let’s hear what Jack Nicklaus has to say. If the Golden Bear approves, so do I.

[via Golf Digest]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. thevaginator

    Golf is for pussies. If you need any proof, just look at Fratty Couples.

    7 years ago at 1:37 pm
    1. Fratty Couples PGA

      You hate me because you ain’t me. You’re a five-foot-six neckbeard with high blood pressure and a little shrimp of a penis. I’m a six-foot-two stunna of a pro athlete (who also has a totally irrelevant sales job) with horny little bitches who I don’t pay at all begging to be my next lay. So I totally understand your prostitution habits and your hatred of me and everyone else cool on this site. Thing is, if you could just somehow find it within yourself to be a nice person then I think we would all be friends.

      7 years ago at 7:18 pm
      1. thevaginator

        You’re a golfer you’re not even an athlete much less a professional one. That was shown by your miserable attempt to qualify for the US open last year. And if you count the 300lb whales with half their teeth missing who work at the same Wendy’s you do as “horny little bitches” then I guess you do, little man.

        7 years ago at 9:07 pm
      2. thevaginator

        And I’m not sure I’d count manning the cash register as a sales job but you do you little guy.

        7 years ago at 9:08 pm
      3. thevaginator

        Get that cum out of your ass little man. Wouldnt want you to stain your cargos

        7 years ago at 10:02 pm
  2. Fratty Couples PGA

    You see a push cart, I see a pussy. That’s the softest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. @BrianHarman

    7 years ago at 2:28 pm
  3. Fratty Couples PGA

    I will THROW anyone out a window who calls me a pussy. I carry my own cart AND my own cooler full of brews. And I hit it three-fuckin’-fifty. One-seventy-five out? Lemme knock down an 8-iron.

    7 years ago at 2:29 pm
      1. thevaginator

        You already pussied out once kid. I drove to Richmond and you didn’t show. Come to Knoxville and I’ll knock your front teeth into the back of your head you fucking pussy

        7 years ago at 9:03 pm