Update: Murray Denies “Hideous” Tattoo

It’s like these guys are trying to out-hillbilly each other.

The newest member to the SEC’s “what the hell is going on here?” club is University of Georgia quarterback Aaron Murray. Murray got inked up something nasty with what I’d describe as a flustered bird of prey with an enormous wiener stuck to his chest. There are also some obscure squiggly lines there, and I think I can see the outline of some eyes at the top. This thing is big, too.

As a quick reminder, here’s the back of Tennessee QB Tyler Bray:

And the chest of Alabama QB AJ McCarron:

I’m going out on a limb here and saying Murray is taking home the title…for now. Look for future headlines about James Franklin, or whichever poor bastard Texas A&M plans on trotting out on the field, to try their best to fit in with the SEC with a shoulder-to-shoulder piece of whale and a dolphin getting it on.


I am happy to report the rumor of Aaron Murray’s tattoo is untrue, per the man himself.

  1. TheCommodore

    What is photoshopped over that broad’s face in the last pic? Did anyone else get a strange boner from that?

    12 years ago at 7:33 am
  2. BROwnOutOfProportion

    Murray’s looks like the Ruger emblem, Bray’s looks like it was designed by a fucking 6 year old, and McCarron’s looks like someone shat on his chest.

    12 years ago at 8:14 am
    1. LeaderoftheFratWorld

      Seriously though, what the FUCK is on that guy’s chest? Can anyone describe that shit..

      12 years ago at 11:25 am
  3. John Frat Mason

    Bray’s is just brutal, like something a 15 year old would get done. Murray’s doesn’t even look close to being finished.

    12 years ago at 8:18 am
    1. TheFertileTurtle

      It’s just his name and 4 stars for his 4-star ranking, pretty simple. I agree though, It’s still retarded.

      12 years ago at 8:32 am
  4. futurestradeCME

    How the fuck do people think tattoos look good? Trashiest shit in the world.

    12 years ago at 1:45 pm