Pike Chapter Suspended Amid Stabbing, Underage Drinking, Gang Rape Allegations

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First, in 2013, it was an alleged gang rape at the house, then it was a legitimate stabbing earlier this year, and now it’s underage drinking occurring during Homecoming weekend. The latter offense, although clearly the lesser of the three, was the one that eventually led to a one-year suspension of the Pi Kappa Alpha chapter at John Hopkins University.

From Huffington Post:

JHU, located in Baltimore, Md., announced Saturday the Pi Kappa Alpha, or PIKE, is suspended for one year. The fraternity was the location of a stabbing earlier this year and investigation of an alleged gang rape at the house in 2013, however, neither incident was directly related to PIKE’s punishment.

PIKE’s punishment stems from “underage drinking and the provision of alcohol to minors, unsafe behavior, failure to comply with university and police directives, and disturbance of neighbors” during a party in April. The frat was already on probation for “similar violations at an unregistered party in January,” the university said. At the January party, one PIKE brother was stabbed.

All members must move out of the house. Any further trouble could lead to the chapter facing expulsion.

Don’t take offense to the Dorn Pike chapter image. That’s my generic Pike image with sensitive stories. Don’t want to be dragging any real people through the mud who don’t have it coming. We good? We’re good.

[via Huffington Post]

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