Playboy Released Its Annual Top Party School List And The Number 1 Spot Will Surprise You

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Playboy has released its annual list of top party schools for 2014, and once again, Brigham Young is nowhere to be found. Only three schools managed to secure their top 10 spots from 2013, leaving seven empty slots, including the crown for number one. Without further ado, here are the 10 higher learning institutions Playboy deemed worthy for the list:

10. Syracuse University
9. University of Texas
8. Colorado State University
7. University of Miami
6. University of California Santa Cruz
5. University of Iowa
4. University of Arizona
3. West Virginia University
2. University of Wisconsin

There are a few surprises mixed in, but overall, it’s a solid 2-10 list. West Virginia loses its top spot from last year and moves down to number three, while Wisconsin holds down the second spot for a second straight year. So what did Playboy pick as the top party school in the country? Arizona State? Penn State? Michigan?

Nope. The number one party school is the University of Pennsylvania.

Wait, what?

Yes, my hometown of Philadelphia and the Ivy League school I had no prayer of getting into has been selected as the top party school of 2014.

From Playboy:

Smarties can party too, and UPenn puts other Ivies to shame with its union of brains, brewskies and bros. Boasting a notorious underground frat scene that school officials have deemed a nuisance, these renegades pony up thousands of dollars’ worth of liquor for their parties—and competition among the houses means a balls-out war of debauchery. Aboveground, casual sex is rampant, as coeds value careers over coupling. Philly’s boisterous bar scene keeps off-campus-carousing options numerous. School-sponsored day drinking hits a high note during Spring Fling, an outdoor music fest that pulls in acts such as Passion Pit, Tyga and Janelle Monáe and turns the Quad into a sloshed mosh pit.

This is quite the controversial choice to say the least, as Philadelphia is anything but a college town, but from first-hand experience, I can confirm the Quakers can indeed get down. Like many of you, though, I’m completely outraged by my school not getting the respect it rightfully deserves. Feel free to vent in the comments section–just let it out.

[via Playboy]

  1. Fuckedupfriday

    Finally some recognition – as the micro brew capital of the world, its about fucking time.

    10 years ago at 5:31 pm
  2. Jeffrey Lebowski

    Why doesn’t TFM just come up with their own list? As a University of Arizona student, the description of our party scene in the Playboy article is hardly accurate nor does it do us enough justice. If this site made one, I am positive that it would be way more realistic (and at the same time cause everyone to shit themselves debating about the legitimacy of the list in the comments).

    10 years ago at 5:49 pm
  3. Functionin Alcoholic

    Kinda makes sense since Wharton’s also the best business school in the world.

    10 years ago at 6:07 pm
  4. RememberTheAlamo

    The fact that only two southern schools (Texas and Miami) are on this list shows that it’s bs at least give honorable mentions to Tx State or FSU.

    10 years ago at 6:49 pm
    1. Frat IV

      FSU is usually around #15 every year. I’m still waiting for the year they get it right and put us ahead of the Gators. Greek life is great there but it’s no Tallahassee

      10 years ago at 10:27 pm
      1. DarkoM

        your QB is a rapist who can’t read or write. fsu is for dumb kids who can’t get into florida or afford miami. and tally is full of inbred trash.

        10 years ago at 4:46 pm
  5. Fratty__Lite

    USC’s president is suffocating Greek Life and thus killing the party scene. FUCK NIKIAS

    10 years ago at 7:32 pm
    1. buddahsmcmansion

      Pat Haden just came down and said GL is challenging it. It’s under review.

      10 years ago at 2:46 am
  6. Chet Manly

    CSU is in the shadow of CU’s party scene, loss of all credibility for this list.

    10 years ago at 9:04 pm