The Shopping List Of A Pledge Educator
Back-to-school brings out the best in people. The freshmen are excited for classes, and the upperclassmen are excited to skip class to drink. Everyone is happy, and it’s a great time of the year.
You know what else is great about the start of a new semester? New pledges. Pledge season brings me more joy than when I met my little for the first time. Life is easy with pledges around. I have a ride to my favorite parties, and the fraternity houses are never cleaner than during this glorious time.
I’ve come to understand that I only see the nice shiny exterior of pledging. It never occurred to me the kind of work that goes into breaking pledges down into their true sub-human form before they are rebuilt into active fraternity men. I used to think they signed their bid and instantly became butlers, maids, and chauffeurs. Oh, how little I knew. In my syllabus week adventures, I stumbled upon a piece of paper that has opened my mind and made me question everything I knew about fraternity pledges. The mystery of how this list would be put to use only grew with each new item. I’ve found the kind of document that the average person could only hope to find on some kind of National Treasure-style hunt that would be more of a test of one’s convictions than an actual pledge process.
Hidden under a house composite from 1987 that I was attempting to “steal into the bathroom to take pictures with and then quickly return,” I found what I believe to be the shopping list from a past or present pledge educator.
Plastic Wrap
Duct Tape
One goldfish for each pledge
Rack of beer
Can of dip
5 lbs of rainbow sprinkles
2 whole fish
2 dozen eggs for each pledge
Rack of beer
Can of dip
All the expired food in your pantry
Ghost pepper chili sauce
2 gallons of peanut butter
Rack of beer
Can of dip
1 gallon of whole milk per pledge
2 liters of Sprite and a bunch of bananas
Syrup of Ipecac
Collected Dipspit
Rack of beer
Can of dip
Orange safety vests
75 Candles
Matches (use remaining budget to buy as many as possible)
A cookie cake with a target on it
Crisco or lard
Cell phone jammer
Bottle of bourbon
2 cigars
TBD doesn’t sound too good..
A “cell phone jammer”… in 1987??? Did that work with the ’87 Androids and iPhones?
Thanks for trying sweetheart… but you’re apparently way too young to be making jokes about the 80’s.
9 years ago at 4:24 pmIdk man those Zack Morris-esque cinder block phones got shitty signal, and were much easier to jam. Plus, with ’87 being in the latter stages of the Cold War, Army surplus stores were probably filled with the good shit
9 years ago at 4:32 pmThe article said past or present pledge educator. It didn’t say it was a list from 1987, simply that it was found underneath a 1987 composite.
9 years ago at 4:47 pmSee I thought the same thing until I asked a man and he told me that it might be a more modern list.
Don’t worry, I’d never publish anything for you guys until I’ve sufficiently run it by a man to make sure I’m not just being an airhead and misreading or misinterpreting something.
9 years ago at 5:56 pmAt least you recognize male superiority
9 years ago at 6:25 pmRun it by the fucking internet, Amy Schumer.
9 years ago at 6:57 pmI hope you do run everything you publish by a man and this isn’t sarcasm. Because while all women aren’t necessarily inferior, you, my sweet walking cockholster, are
9 years ago at 9:55 pmLow-key the 5lbs of rainbow sprinkles is the worst thing on this list for a pledge.
9 years ago at 5:05 pmWhat’s up pussy cat. How about bending over and showing us that dirt star…for the boys?
9 years ago at 5:35 pmI’d write the obligatory ‘show me your tits’ but those mostly deflated balloons reminiscent of a postnatal dogs’ would give me less satisfaction than DRegisters would, and about equal to seeing Trumps statues’.
9 years ago at 10:00 pm