POLL: How Many Justin Bieber Clones Could You Take On At Once?


Imagine a scenario where you got to bare-knuckle fight Justin Bieber with no strings attached. He can’t press charges. He’s not carrying any weapons. No one is there to break it up. No repercussions whatsoever. Just you, The Biebs, and both of your fists. Sounds awesome, right? You could take him down, couldn’t you? How badly though?

Now, imagine fighting two Biebers. Could you still win? How about three? Or five? Imagine if there were 25 Biebers. Could you still win the brawl? It’s like a gang fight, but you’re the only one in your gang. That’s the shitty part. The awesome part is the other gang is just full of a bunch of Justin Biebers. Would you still win the fight? Just barely, or comfortably? What’s the maximum number of Biebs you could you take on at once and still come out victorious?

The Bieber Profile:

Age: 19

Height: 5’7″ per IMDB (probably a generous measurement)

Weight: approximately 115 lbs.

Country of origin: Canada

Occupation: Douchebag/Musician

Best known for: “Baby Baby Baby” and being a douchebag

Hobbies: Playing guitar, singing, dating hot Latina girls, sagging his pants, driving fast through neighborhoods, spitting on people, taking his shirt off, lifting light weights, making this face, doing the backwards piece sign, hanging out with douchebags, being a douchebag, looking like a lesbian, being from Canada, getting stupid tattoos, wearing earrings, hanging out with guys that weigh under 120 lbs., pissing in mop buckets in bars, cussing out pictures of former U.S. presidents, dressing like an asshole, and just generally acting like an asshole

Fighting technique: unknown, but presumably flailing his tiny fists while retreating, also probably kicks


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  1. Other Barry

    Hey Barry, how many JBs could you end?

    Well Other Barry I’m really glad you asked that. You see the trick is to go after the eyes. As long as you jab them out you can go onto the other ones before finishing off the others.

    Wow….Barry, that is pretty terrifying.

    Ya, I figure I could get a couple hundred of them that way. Also being a cyborg helps.

    12 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. OMFratRebel

      Oh my fucking god this is amazing. Archer is a TFM personified, and Barry is not that bad either.

      11 years ago at 5:50 pm
  2. Steve Frattimer

    Who could have guessed, the most popular answer is 100+. Never would have expected the TFM community to completely exaggerate their own abilities and not take a question seriously…That said, I think 3-5 is actually completely reasonable

    12 years ago at 6:49 pm
    1. Chad_Fratterson

      I gave myself 11. He’s only 115 pounds. When you’re drunk and angry, you can throw that around all day.

      12 years ago at 1:24 am
  3. 5_OClock_everywhere

    Infinite, as long as it’s an even number since they’d all be literally fucking themselves, and if the number is odd, I could handle 1 Beiber

    12 years ago at 10:53 pm
  4. Beer Quisque Beer

    Realistically, somewhere in the 4-6 range. I’m 6’3, 190 and in decent shape. Plus I would fight with the hatred of Rocky Balboa vs Ivan Drago.

    12 years ago at 11:02 pm