Power Ranking The 10 Best Schools For College Football Tailgating

3. Penn State University

Penn State

Tailgating in Happy Valley is massive. It’s like all the Greeks got together and said, “Hey, let’s just dominate the tailgating scene on Saturdays together because we are Penn State.” That’s how I imagined the convo went, anyway. Saturdays in the fall are full of alcoholic debauchery where the fraternities and sororities all get together, drink a shit ton, walk to the stadium, stop at alumni tailgates, drink some more, and then forget that their team just lost to Temple. Easily one of the top three tailgating scenes in the country.

      1. Tyrion

        They’re comfy and they keep you warm. Not everyone has 70 degree weather in November bucko. I wouldn’t wear a hoodie in Florida either. Fuck you.

        9 years ago at 8:39 am
    1. Booze

      Yet he ranked Bama #7 even though “I don’t really know much about their tailgate scene….”

      9 years ago at 9:30 am
  1. TheAfricaninsperrys12

    Nebraska only in the honorable mention? you need to con to lincoln

    9 years ago at 8:21 am