Power Ranking The Races


The subject of race is not an easy one to take on. The topic is understandably controversial. As such, I’ve treated each race with the utmost respect, and I ask everyone reading to do the same. This article is meant to celebrate the uniqueness of all races, not create a division between them.

Click on the next page to reveal our 10th through 6th ranked races.

  1. FrattyWillRFM

    Oh you gon just lev us brothas off hur lyke we ain’t 1 dem top races Mane you trippin Bruh and I ion even Wana her u aksin no ??s

    9 years ago at 2:33 pm
  2. SkinnyWhiteGuy

    As much as I appreciate being in the #1 spot, I think you’re underestimating Asians

    9 years ago at 3:09 pm