Interfraternal collaboration for the greater good of beer pong. TFM.

  1. Sir HazeAlot IV

    Nice beer pong table but I can’t get over the testicle festivle going on in this picture.

    13 years ago at 11:44 pm
    1. Frat_Sajak

      Sir HazeAlot not being able to “get over the testicle festivle.” Sorry they were so rough on you….queer.

      13 years ago at 10:09 pm
  2. Runswithbeer744

    There were plenty of girls with us tanning behind the guy taking the picture.

    13 years ago at 9:06 am
    1. Frat_Sajak

      Trying to argue that your picture is fratier than it looks. Listen kid, you only had one chance, one photo. You chose to take the one of the dudes playing in sand instead of the “plenty of girls…tanning.” Next time, if possible, please be less gay

      13 years ago at 10:10 pm
    2. fromthenorth

      ^You sound like such a try-hard. Who gives a fuck if there aren’t any girls in the picture?

      13 years ago at 4:47 pm
  3. Sratillac

    More like interfraternal collaboration for the sake of board shorts, cut off tshirts, and cowboy hats. The waterslide in the back ground looks way more fun. Oh and nothing screams geed like a pair of white sunglasses.

    13 years ago at 5:22 pm