Princeton Review Released Its Ranking Of The Top Party Schools For 2015

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The most anticipated ranking in college has finally arrived. No, I’m not talking about the AP Top 25 rankings for college football–I’m talking about the top party schools, according to The Princeton Review. This is the list we work hard to crack into each year by cracking cold ones and throwing the best ragers. Without further ado, here are the top party schools.

1. Syracuse University
2. University of Iowa
3. University of California-Santa Barbara
4. West Virginia University
5. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
6. Lehigh University
7. Pennsylvania State University-University Park
8. University of Wisconsin-Madison
9. Bucknell University
10. University of Florida
11. Miami University – Oxford, OH
12. Florida State University
13. Ohio University – Athens
14. DePauw University
15. University of Georgia
16. University of Mississippi
17. Tulane University
18. University of Vermont
19. University of Oregon
20. University of Delaware

Syracuse made a big jump from number five on last year’s list to first place this year. Iowa has been holding steady in the top five for a while now–we can probably consider that school a dynasty that rivals the SEC dominance on the football field. Unfortunately for The DeVry Guy, despite his efforts during the last year, DeVry failed to make the list again. Maybe next year?

I’m going to have to check out the validity of the list for myself, though, and visit these schools to see how great of party schools they really are. Did your school miss the cut? Do you think this list is complete shit? That’s why we provided you with the comments section.

[via Princeton Review]

Image via Syracuse

  1. HOT LINKS AROUND THE WEB | Best of the internet

    […] vs Need-The Chive Princeton Review Released Its Ranking Of The Top Party Schools For 2015 -Total Frat […]

    10 years ago at 3:31 pm
  2. GreatLakesFratMove

    Syracuse is a private school. AKA rich kids throwing rich parties. Only justification I can think of.

    10 years ago at 3:34 pm
  3. First in Frat

    And, once again, Alabama isn’t mentioned on some bullshit party school list.

    10 years ago at 3:45 pm
  4. Bronito Mussolini

    West Virginia? What the fuck do they have to even party about? Another incestuas birth resulting from a meth-fueled dirt bike race through a trailer park? Boooooo.

    Glad to see Tulane on here, at least. Harder to find pot than coke or molly, seriously.

    10 years ago at 3:50 pm