Princeton Review: Top 20 Fraternity/Sorority Scenes

  1. Vanderbilt University – Nashville, TN
  2. Transylvania University – Lexington, KY
  3. University of Mississippi – Oxford, MS
  4. Sewanee, The University of the South – Sewanee, TN
  5. Wake Forest University – Winston-Salem, NC
  6. DePauw University – Greencastle, IN
  7. Lehigh University – Bethlehem, PA
  8. Texas Christian University – Fort Worth, TX
  9. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – Champaign, IL
  10. University of Georgia – Athens, GA
  11. Ohio University – Athens, OH
  12. Pennsylvania State University – University Park, Pennsylvania
  13. University of Iowa – Iowa City, IA
  14. Arizona State University – Metro Phoenix, AZ
  15. Florida State University – Tallahassee, FL
  16. Birmingham-Southern College – Birmingham, AL
  17. Wofford College – Spartanburg, SC
  18. Bucknell University – Lewisburg, PA
  19. Albion College – Albion, MI
  20. University of South Carolina – Columbia, SC
  1. ATO_Texas

    having a school with a large percentage of Greek students doesn’t automatically make it a great fraternity/sorority scene. it most likely means you bid absolutely anyone and/or your school is small as shit and there is nothing else to do

    13 years ago at 8:37 pm
    1. TSM2011

      if your school isn’t “small as shit” and there’s so much more to do, why did you go Greek? not saying the list is accurate, but the factors you chose to discredit it, don’t seem to make your point any more valid…..

      13 years ago at 10:11 pm
    2. ATO_Texas

      because my whole family was Greek? your question has absolutely no relevance to my post.

      13 years ago at 2:08 am
  2. sperridise

    TCU…. They don’t even have fraternity houses… they have fraternity dorms.

    13 years ago at 9:27 pm
  3. ChiOwLove

    This list is disgusting. There is not a single person at Lehigh who doesn’t scream filthy GDI. I would never associate with anyone who goes there. Albion, Bucknell and DePauw are almost as bad. I don’t really know anything about Transylvania or Sewanee, which means their Greek life obvi isn’t too impressive. And how is ALABAMA not on this list? It’s pretty much the be all end all of Greek life…and I don’t even go there.

    I never want to breathe the same air as the GDIs who made this list.

    13 years ago at 9:37 pm
    1. rainbowsociety

      it sounds like you know all about the northern schools and nothing except the reputation of the obvious southern choice.

      don’t come to the south, yankee.

      13 years ago at 2:47 am
    2. Kappa G in Lilly P

      To quote ChiOwlLove herself “you must go to school up north, poor thing.” Well now, isn’t that embarrassing. Fake it ’til you make it, right hun? <3

      13 years ago at 8:19 pm
    3. lillynlabs

      Excuse my french, but ChiOwl do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Bashing people over the internet is incredibly pathetic. I’m sure that as a woman in college you have means of expressing disapproval other than saying incredibly catty things to other girls on this site. If you’re so insecure in your beliefs that you need to rip other girls apart rather than justify your own arguments, maybe think twice before posting, especially since your name clearly states that you are a Chi O. At my school the Chi Os are the sweetest girls on campus, apparently at yours they looked for the bitchiest. Well done.

      13 years ago at 8:41 pm
    4. AZDlovin

      I have to say… the first thing I learned when putting my letters on is that I am always representing them… so saying things like that isn’t the smartest…amen to what the person above me said

      13 years ago at 9:48 pm
    1. KSDeltaXi

      Also according to BSC, Ole Miss has 19 fraternities and 13 sororities. There are 13 fraternities and 9 sororities.

      13 years ago at 10:09 am
  4. SquirrelsandPearls

    Just thought I would point out that bsc and uga are both liberal arts schools

    13 years ago at 10:26 pm
  5. Charles_fredrick

    TCU?? good football team, but i could not see a christian university having a solid greek row. I know you guys are gonna bag on U of Idaho because its Idaho. but i think we have one of the top rows on the west coast with around 25 solid houses.

    13 years ago at 10:49 pm