ASULegend Having proper golf etiquette no matter what type of course you’re on. RFM. 10 years ago at 2:03 pm
Fratasaurus Inviting the local homeless shelter to play at your private course so they can have a temporary moment of happiness. RFM 10 years ago at 6:42 am
Having proper golf etiquette no matter what type of course you’re on. RFM.
10 years ago at 2:03 pmInviting the local homeless shelter to play at your private course so they can have a temporary moment of happiness. RFM
10 years ago at 6:42 amI’m sure they all love you there.
10 years ago at 7:43 pmhavn’t seen this one before…
10 years ago at 12:27 amyou’re really just on a public course though
10 years ago at 4:11 am