difficult major pursuit

Pursuing A Difficult Major Doesn’t Make You A Nerd

difficult major pursuit

I’m writing this article in defense of those of you that have decided to pursue a degree in a field that practically eliminates your social life. That could be architecture, engineering, or a pre-medicine track full of chemistry and biology courses. You’ve sacrificed Tuesday Booze-days and Wasted Wednesdays in exchange for late nights designing intricate blueprints, memorizing the difference between Markovnikov and anti-Markovnikov additions for an organic chemistry class, or doing whatever the fuck engineers do. But don’t worry — you’re not a nerd.

Typically, if you’re pursuing a difficult degree, there’s a very good chance that you’re pretty good at what you do. There aren’t many engineers getting jobs with a 2.4 GPA. The work you’re putting in semester after semester to get that 3.9 is bolstering your fraternity’s GPA, and parents love seeing a high cumulative GPA when trying to decide if they want their son to join a fraternity. Every mom wants to see their son grow up to be successful, and hearing a well-put-together kid talk about how his fraternity has helped him grow as a man and find success as a biomedical systems engineering major is a major green light.

I know you don’t get to go out with the guys whenever they decide to go downtown on Wednesday nights, but who’s going to keep your brothers from driving home drunk from the bars? Sure, they could just call an Uber, but they know you’re up studying for that Statics quiz. You might not get to take part in the full debauchery of the evening, but you will manage to show up with a ride just before someone decides to take a swing at a bike cop. You’re their sober hero.

All this being said, its not like you people in “smart” majors are always boring. When you finally do have the free time to go out, you don’t hold back. We all know that one guy who buries his head in his books for weeks at a time, and we all know the feeling of excitement everyone in the squad gets when he announces that he’ll be coming out to party. There’s something beautiful and terrifying about the sense of reckless abandon that comes with someone who is drinking like it’s the last time he’ll be able to for three months.

I’d be remiss if I neglected to mention that when you get out of college, you’re basically guaranteed a job, a fast-track for a Master’s program, or a spot in a medical school. That means you’ve set yourselves up for a lifetime of 2-week-long vacations on tropical islands, a garage with a couple Beemers, and a wife who’s way out of your league. Those things alone are reason enough to pursue a tough degree.

I’m writing this mostly as a nod to all of you STEM kids trying to survive finals week without putting a gun in your mouth. You’re nearly done. Keep powering through — lake season is close. Until then, good luck. We’re all counting on you to give us discount Addy when you finally get that “Dr.” in front of your name.

    1. Mister Sinatra

      Thanks Henry, glad to hear you enjoyed them both. Definitely makes it easier to consider sending something in.

      8 years ago at 1:04 pm
      1. Mister Sinatra

        You’re right man. Have your home room teacher read it to you one more time, and if you still don’t like it I’ll stop.

        8 years ago at 1:34 pm
  1. HGL_JMU

    I can only imagine the awful quality of ass that history majors are gonna be getting in 10 years.

    8 years ago at 12:52 pm
    1. Fratty McFratFrat

      As history majors, they’ll be more worried about they awful quality of ass that they had 10 years before.

      8 years ago at 12:57 pm
      1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        The quality of my ass was too low to plummet in the first place

        8 years ago at 1:38 pm
      2. House of Tards

        As a political science major about to graduate, I definitely got better ass when I was an economics major two years ago.

        8 years ago at 7:30 pm
  2. LazyRican

    Engineering sucks because it’s hard as fuck but we usually drink like degenerates after tests/projects so we have that going for us

    8 years ago at 12:52 pm
    1. RonSwansonsBarber

      Plus a much high rate of employment and higher average salary right after graduation is nice too.

      8 years ago at 1:43 pm
      1. LazyRican

        And only need a bachelor’s to get a good job and a decent paycheck as well

        8 years ago at 2:15 pm
      2. twabster

        That’s a lame way to go thru life. Also not exactly true. Used to be true, but now it’s rare to find a decent paying job with just a Bachelors, unless you don’t care where they need you. Hope you enjoy the cornfields of Iowa or the bone chilling wilderness in North Dakota.

        8 years ago at 7:27 am
  3. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    As a guy who’s in an admittedly easy major (comm) I respect the fuck out of people that do actual tough majors, plus they will most likely be making more money than me 10 years down the road. Get good at math kids, cause when you’re 40 and loaded, you can buy an 18 year old smoke that could suck a pumpkin through a garden hose

    8 years ago at 1:13 pm
  4. JohnRedcorn211

    Jokes on you, everyone and their mother is a STEM major. In 10 years, the market will be flooded with them driving demand down. 😉 (yes this is my attempt at trying to justify my JD)

    8 years ago at 1:20 pm
  5. Young Sinatra

    I’m glad someone finally wrote this article. STEM majors don’t quite get enough credit when handling their heavy plate of science courses and still planning a night with the boys. I’d also like to pay my respects to the man who wrote it. As part of the RattPack fanbase he’s obviously got a good head on his shoulders. Hope you’ve got that next album already pre-ordered.

    8 years ago at 2:19 pm
  6. thevaginator

    You sound like a massive nerd. And it doesn’t matter what your major is I’ll still be making more money than you

    8 years ago at 3:36 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Haven’t quite decided yet junior, but when your father is a high level executive for one of the largest hotel and restraunt brands in the world you have quite a few options.

        8 years ago at 10:32 pm
    1. Sal Naturale

      Your parents’ house was appraised for only $148,000 and has declined in value.

      8 years ago at 8:50 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Hey Sal remember when you rushed us and didn’t even make pref dinner so you joined a bottom tier fraternity? Or when you showed up at our last quarterly with 4 dudes and no girls and got laughed at by our doorman when you tried to get in?

        8 years ago at 10:28 pm
      2. thevaginator

        How about tonight then bitch? The fact that you honestly had the balls to show up to our party is impressive and maybe if you weren’t such a fucking loser I’d tell our bouncer to let you in. Have fun jerking it in your sorry ass bottom tier house tonight

        8 years ago at 3:10 am
  7. House of Tards

    I thought political science would be the major where they tell you how the government functions, but after six years of research papers I’m sorely disappointed. At least I can go to law school and make a couple million, thanks to my math ability and the fact that I majored in economics for a year.

    8 years ago at 7:47 pm