Putting in your two-weeks notice with the old man. TFM.

    1. Nutterbutter

      Why does this even matter? If your parents are successful then they would most likely hope that you would want to carry on their legacy? Does it mean you’re lazy? No, cause you have to work to educate yourself in their business it isn’t some get out of jail free card for life. Just because your parents are successful for or either you think your hot shit doesn’t mean that taking over a family business is lazy or not as hard working. At the end of the day as long as you work hard for your money who gives a fuck?

      10 years ago at 3:23 pm
    1. ScoochMcGooch

      They’ll be in the same bag as his wife beaters so he doesn’t have to unpack.

      10 years ago at 5:11 pm