Reading Books Is A Waste Of Time
Pew Research Center released a new study that said 73 percent of Americans have read at least one book over the last 12 months. I’m going to allow that to marinate in your brains for a brief moment and let you think back to the last paperback or hard cover that you perused cover-to-cover. Was it on your high school’s required reading list? It was, wasn’t it? You actually SparkNoted the entire thing too, didn’t you? It’s okay — you’re not alone. It’s time we just come out and say it: Reading books is a complete waste of time.
Sure, it may have been riveting entertainment in the 1700s compared to your other options of flying a kite or dying from dysentery, but it’s an outdated practice that society needs to stop putting on a pedestal. Reading doesn’t make you a better person. It doesn’t give you the appearance of being more intellectual or cultured. It just turns you into the unbearable tool that goes to a movie and voices that the “book was better” throughout.
We get it, readers. Your life is devoid of any and all excitement. You torture yourself in silence reading the same Malcolm Gladwell point that he stretches out into 300 pages with a series of analogies so you can drop –verbatim — the same smooth line about adaptive unconsciousness at a party or with some little honey that’s way too smart for you to begin with.
I’m not being an ignorant mongoloid by having this opinion, either. I’m simply a more efficient human being. Why would I spend weeks reading Game of Thrones when I can wrap a season out in a day? I got things to do, places to be, and people to see. Plus, you know what’s better than visualizing things in your head? Seeing motherfucking CGI dragons laying waste to war ships and giants popping heads like grapes on screen.
If you read books, you’re essentially spitting in the face of modern society and choosing to be Amish. We have all these awesome technological outlets to consume story and data and you’re going out of your way to be a stubborn asshole and do things the hard way. Get off your damn high horse.
And how about the stones on PRC to drop such a ridiculously high number and call it legitimate research? How do you people go home to your families, kiss your children goodnight, and look your wives in the eyes knowing that your entire career is a lie? 73 percent? 73 percent of this country doesn’t have the patience to sit through a 30-second Youtube ad, and you’re going to tell me with a straight face that they have sat down and read an entire piece of literature in the last year? Kick rocks..
Image via Shutterstock
I seriously think they’re just trying to fuck with us at this point.
9 years ago at 11:21 amIt’s taken you this long to figure that out?
9 years ago at 11:24 amHe’s subtly letting us know he takes the same approach when it comes to exercising.
9 years ago at 11:56 amMy friend ‘Janet.D.Palumbo’ makes $95/hour on the internet. She has been laid off for siX mOnths but last month her paycheck was $20850 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this web site… Go the website and click to the Tech tab for more info….
9 years ago at 1:25 pmYour friend Janet is a hooker. That’s what the D. stands for in her name.
9 years ago at 1:34 pmYou have a unibrow
9 years ago at 8:08 pmDan, you sound like the guy at the gym that grunts way too loud. Everybody hates that guy, don’t be that guy.
9 years ago at 11:26 amHe’s also the fat guy that people think ‘hey good for him’
9 years ago at 1:19 pmPlease remind the intern that TODAY is Friday. Friday is the day that Fail Friday is to be posted. Thank you.
9 years ago at 11:26 amAlso, Dan you are stupid and fat; why would we value your opinion?
9 years ago at 11:28 amThere hasn’t been a post in 3 hours where the fuck is fail Friday
9 years ago at 1:11 pmThis might be the major unnecessary article I’ve ever seen on this site
9 years ago at 11:30 amMost* fuck I don’t even know how that happened, if they had an edit comments button then I’d consider forgiving all of the missed fail Friday’s.
9 years ago at 11:36 amReading anything other than Fail Friday is a waste of time.
9 years ago at 11:32 amwow Dan you really are as stupid as you look
9 years ago at 11:32 amL-Look at me I’m Dan Re-Re-Regester. Duh I work for TFM. Smell like you could use a shower stinky.
9 years ago at 11:39 amI want to fight you irl
9 years ago at 1:15 pmAt this point you guys should just close the site since y’all keep shitting the bed every fucking day.
9 years ago at 11:39 amOn 73% of Americans have read an entire book within a year… That’s pathetic.
9 years ago at 11:41 amI only need one Book in my house… The book that tells me how to turn on my fucking computer!
9 years ago at 11:42 amJust google it
9 years ago at 3:39 pm