Redskins Organization Releases Offensive Instagram And Couldn’t Care Less

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Dan Snyder is the definition of someone who gives absolutely zero fucks of what people think of him. From suing his own fans for their inability to pay for their season tickets to charging the fans to tailgate (Seriously man? The fuck is wrong with you?) now we can add something called “Trendy Tuesday” to the list.

For “Trendy Tuesday,” the Washington Redskins posted a photo celebrating their cheerleaders’ 50-year history. The picture includes all the uniforms that the cheerleaders have worn. To be honest, the picture isn’t that bad, but it may have been smart to leave out the actual Native American cheerleading uniform. Of course, the post sparked outrage amongst Native American groups, and fans are wondering what the hell the team was thinking.

Snyder does not care what anyone thinks of him. USA Today asked Snyder if he was going to change the team name, and he said, “NEVER — you can use caps.” I wonder if Donald Sterling and Snyder hang out and think of ways to piss off people. Snyder should just concede and worry about if his quarterback (and the rest of the team) can recover from such an awful season. Keep looking like a jackass, Dan. As a Cowboys fan, there is nothing better than to see the Redskins make fools out of themselves.

[via NBC]

Image via Instagram

  1. Grumpy Gus

    Fuck you. Neither the name nor the picture are offensive. Fuck how liberal this site has become. Not frat at all

    10 years ago at 12:58 pm
      1. _TFM

        It really has. Since when has someone gave a fuck about feelings. Fucking liberals man, I’m sick of them.

        10 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. ChiTownBro

      You can’t honestly think the name isn’t offensive…that’s full retard…you never go full retard

      10 years ago at 1:43 pm
      1. _TFM

        You just called someone a retard. If that’s not offensive to you, you’re obviously mentally challenged. Dumbass liberals always one step behind their words.

        10 years ago at 1:57 pm
    2. frattytide

      They painted their faces and bodies red before going into battle. That is where the term came from. Any fucking person that does that has got to expect to be called a redskin. Nobody wants to hear that though. Everybody would rather live in the land of the perpetually offended.

      10 years ago at 7:07 pm
  2. TFM Brit

    wait a minute, the two girls you left out… yeah, their uniforms were pretty terrible. good job.

    10 years ago at 1:05 pm
  3. DarrensDad

    Alright TFM, take a cue from Old Row and stop being giant pussies. I know grander has a huge commercial stake in being palatable, but grow a fucking sack and stop up for the Redskins name. Giving zero fucks about what people think about you and offending politically correct liberals. TFM.

    10 years ago at 1:15 pm
  4. That_Army_Dude

    Don’t change the name, are we seriously letting the fact that after 50 years people are getting their feelings hurt dictate how we do things? There are more important issues folks.

    10 years ago at 1:18 pm
    1. RaginBush84

      The newest one the libtards are going for is that is they want us to change the names of our military weapons and vehicles like the Apache, tomahawk cruise middle, black hawk, etc.

      10 years ago at 1:45 pm
      1. That_Army_Dude

        God forbid the tools of my profession hurt some ones feelings. It’s not like they are used to deal death to the enemy or anything like that.

        10 years ago at 2:42 pm
  5. TotalFratBoob

    True Indians don’t even exist anymore. We already fucked there entire race, its not like the name of a team is gonna hurt them anymore than they’ve already been.

    10 years ago at 1:20 pm
  6. Floyd Hazeweather

    A.) You’re a cowgirls fan so it’s no surprise you choked away the end of a once-promising article.
    B.) Enough of the melodramatic woe-is-me and now I all-of-a-sudden care about this to avoid looking racist. Sack up, give a real opinion and deal with the repercussions. Stop trying to cover your ass from the PC police.

    10 years ago at 1:23 pm
  7. ProudPhi2042

    You’re a special kind of stupid if you think the Donald Sterling situation is anything like this Redskins one, blockparty.

    10 years ago at 1:31 pm