Redskins Organization Releases Offensive Instagram And Couldn’t Care Less

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Dan Snyder is the definition of someone who gives absolutely zero fucks of what people think of him. From suing his own fans for their inability to pay for their season tickets to charging the fans to tailgate (Seriously man? The fuck is wrong with you?) now we can add something called “Trendy Tuesday” to the list.

For “Trendy Tuesday,” the Washington Redskins posted a photo celebrating their cheerleaders’ 50-year history. The picture includes all the uniforms that the cheerleaders have worn. To be honest, the picture isn’t that bad, but it may have been smart to leave out the actual Native American cheerleading uniform. Of course, the post sparked outrage amongst Native American groups, and fans are wondering what the hell the team was thinking.

Snyder does not care what anyone thinks of him. USA Today asked Snyder if he was going to change the team name, and he said, “NEVER — you can use caps.” I wonder if Donald Sterling and Snyder hang out and think of ways to piss off people. Snyder should just concede and worry about if his quarterback (and the rest of the team) can recover from such an awful season. Keep looking like a jackass, Dan. As a Cowboys fan, there is nothing better than to see the Redskins make fools out of themselves.

[via NBC]

Image via Instagram

  1. Chode_Brogan

    There are high schools on Native American reservations with the “Redskins” mascot, are you going to tell them to change their name too?

    Do a little research on the topic you’re reporting about, and try a little harder on your bio while you’re at it.

    10 years ago at 6:53 pm
  2. DanSoLow

    How can 50 years of Redskins cheerleading be offensive? Because someone is dressed up as a Redskin/ Native American (to be politically correct)? Would it be offensive to Vikings if a cheerleader was to be dressed as a Viking? Would it be offensive to people in the New England states for a cheerleader to be dressed as a Patriot? What about a Buccaneer, Texan, Cowboys? Or how about the animals, Bengals, Seahawks, Falcons, Eagles, God forbid that we are offensive to the animals, they have feelings ya know.. Let’s get a grip people and stop getting your panties in a wad. Comparing this guy to Donald Sterling, ha, this guy hasn’t degraded a race of people like Sterling did Magic Johnson and the African American people. It’s not like he’s saying fuck all I’m better. He is not buying into the prissy bullshit like Bob Costas and Obama did making it seem like the Washington Redskins name is racist… Dang

    10 years ago at 7:26 pm