Love how the South says the North isn't fratty when all the clothing they wear ex. Brooks Brothers, Polo, and Vineyard Vines comes from the North. TFM.

  1. Southern Pride

    Because any true fratstar knows only GDIs make clothes. Why would we want any more GDI yanks in the South?

    15 years ago at 11:47 am
    1. NorthShoreEstate

      To frattinhard If we are talking about the same north shore, money here is almost as old as the lake itself

      14 years ago at 12:44 am
  2. Bronathan Broxton

    The cotton comes from cheaper places overseas, like South America. Globalization, cheaper options that screw over the working class = fratty.

    The small amount of cottom that actually is brought from the south anymore is picked by illegal immigrants anyway.

    Nothing unfratty about the Ivy League (besides Brown)

    15 years ago at 1:44 pm
    1. Dr. Fratconomics

      You seem to know enough to sound ignorant.

      A cotton plantation is a great example of economies of scale. To even pretend to break even (even with subsidies), you’re going to need a minimum of 750 acres. Add in a minimum of $500K of machinery to run it and 2-3 hands and we’re looking at close to a $5M operation (again, minimum). Additionally, many that own plantations in the Delta and Black Belt also have mirror operations in Brazil to have year round revenue.

      Cotton picked by hand…by anyone? Do you also think the seeds are picked out by hand? Hoping you have smoked yourself stupid with comments like that.

      Good luck in your studies and maybe one day you can grow up to be a flat billed wearing, gelhead, GDI yankee.

      15 years ago at 2:22 pm
    2. Bronathan Broxton

      Obviously not literally by handed, “picked” just referred to the illegals that collect the cotton harvested from the cotton strippers and other machinery. And yes, cotton is still picked by hand in the poorer countries of the world, but not in America.

      I lived in Richmond for 7 years, my grandfather worked in the cotton industry for 26 years. Careful who you call a flat billed wearing, gelhead, GDI yankee. Just because my father decided the Upper East Side is sweeter doesn’t him any less fratty.

      Like I said, call a frat guy at Yale a GDI and you couldn’t make yourself look more pathetic. George W. was a DKE at Yale, any going to say he’s not fratty? Take good look where most of the Fortune 500 went to school before you start saying the north isn’t fratty. Ivy League, Skull and Bones, Nantucket, Boom.

      15 years ago at 11:08 am
    3. AJ

      a lot of things are unfratty about the ivy league. Yankees wouldn’t know fratty if it hit them in the face. And all of minorities… No thanks. Gdis….

      15 years ago at 3:24 pm
    4. South Milledge

      Yale’s greek life today is full of gelled hair, steroid using athletes, with the occasional legacy. Southerners wouldn’t dare join a fraternity up there. I even hear they recruit gays up there….

      15 years ago at 6:03 pm
  3. Frat harvey

    How about southern proper and southern marsh… Both are south of the mason Dixon line. So go fuck your self you cock sucking Yankee

    15 years ago at 5:20 pm
    1. Bay Tree Plantation

      Agree- Southern Proper, Southern Marsh, Southern Tide, Redd…
      Come on, you sound like a GDI who is bitter about his F-adidas hoodie not being cool

      15 years ago at 6:18 pm
    2. Louisiana girl

      Last time I checked, there’s nothing sexier than a frat daddy in a southern marsh T.

      14 years ago at 11:43 am
  4. Broey Harrington

    And your welcome for any capital raised on any business deal your family has ever made. Wall Street = Fratty.

    15 years ago at 11:12 am