Love how the South says the North isn't fratty when all the clothing they wear ex. Brooks Brothers, Polo, and Vineyard Vines comes from the North. TFM.

  1. Fratwall Jackson

    Wall Street is indeed fratty. Its location, however, is not. NYC is the largest city in the US so therefore it is prime for markets and capitals that wall street provides. It could just as easily be I Atlanta and be just as sucessful and fratty. Yet, sadly for you, there are too many guidos in NYC, so I’ll stick with the south. Besides, your comment is irrelevent to my previous one made about whiskey…whiskey is fratty and so is money. NYC, not frat

    15 years ago at 9:46 am

    P.S. refer to the post on how any fraternity above the Mason Dixon Line are just a bunch of GDIs. 100% true. Frat on Dixieland…

    15 years ago at 8:59 pm
    1. Kansas Frat

      what’s wrong with greek life at the University of Kansas? We have a strong Greek system with no GDIs infecting our houses. I don’t see any reason why colleges that have a strong greek system with good values (a.k.a. republican ideology) can’t be accepted by everyone as fratty. Because when it comes down to it, we are all better than those GDIs

      14 years ago at 9:30 pm
    2. Nemo Hose

      There’s a reason that some of the most popular clothing brands today all have southern in their name. Also KA= SOUTHERN Gentleman. Kiss my ass GDI Yankees.

      12 years ago at 10:53 am
  3. Daddy's Little Angel

    Even if people did still pick cotton by hand, the use of illegals is a substitute for the institution of slavery, which your ancestors tried to eradicate. Would you like to come try again, or would you rather be honest and admit the North’s role in perpetuating such an “immoral” system? Chew on that. I’ll be sippin’ sweet tea in the same spot as my great(x5) grandmother while the workers strip tobacco.

    15 years ago at 12:57 pm
    1. frat daddy1

      you’re an idiot. Stop talking and go work on your Mrs. degree by blowing some bro.

      14 years ago at 1:25 pm
    1. g bush

      have u ever been to the north? lol i mean seriously this is so far from the all honesty, the biggest cities are in the north, and most of the country that anyone cares about. I’m sorry I love the south, but some of you guys sound like complete retards..makes since i mean is 17 still the acceptable act score to get into ole miss? hahaha

      14 years ago at 8:21 pm
    2. whistlindixie

      g bush: first off, your response has absolutely nothing to do with the original post. Second, I’m not sure how you can say that we sound like retards. I believe you meant to say that it makes SENSE. I like the irony of you fucking that up when you were making fun of our ACT scores though. Dumbass

      14 years ago at 7:13 pm
    3. Frat Tat

      To G Bush:
      Just because “all of the big cities are in the North,” doesn’t mean that the amount of Affliction or Hollister shirts per capita is any different. Yes I’ve been to the North. Actually, I work in Washington, DC for the United States Senate and I am much further North than I would ever care to be. Your post has amplified the Southern pride reflected on this site, and I guarantee that every Frat Star at Ole Miss has had or currently has a girlfriend that is MUCH hotter and more proper than you will ever have with your guido-loving sluts up North. I did not go to Ole Miss but I did score a 29 on my ACT. You, sir, should be jealous. I think I detect a bit of Jealousy. I fucking rule. TFM

      14 years ago at 1:31 pm
    4. the great fratsby

      29 on ACT?!?!?!?! you clearly do not have very high standards if you think that is awesome.

      14 years ago at 7:07 am
    5. Brobert E. Lee

      g bush,
      who gives a fuck where the cities are. i guess you are right, every slampiece wants to date a city living hipster GDI douche who’s pants are tighter than hers. You know why we don’t tolerate fags like that in the south, cause us dickswingin southerners don’t hang out in coffee shops and listen to poetry all night and talk about how “forward thinking” it is. we hang out with slampieces and pound ice cold brew.(TFM) And don’t be bitter because you couldn’t afford to go out of state and attend ole miss, not everyones dad can be a successful part of society, and thats what we have the north for.

      14 years ago at 8:15 am
  4. Go South or Go Home

    I left the north to go south. I was sick of all the liberal bullshit up there. After the first week of school i decided i would never live farther north than NC for the rest of my life

    15 years ago at 1:07 pm
  5. Pike Diamond

    Obviously, all the little boys from the North have never enjoyed GRITS(the food) as well as Brantley Gilbert’s favorite a “Girl Raised In The South…”

    Y’all(yankees)have no idea what y’all are missing out on but then again who gives a shit about the North anyway? At least down here in Texas, I know that a man will hold the door open for a lady because of his Southern Hospitality and because he was born that way =).

    Plus my sweet tea is MUCH sweeter than y’alls will ever be.

    Fuck Y’all(again, the yankees) WE (everyone South of the MD Line) are from the South…

    Good day boys.


    14 years ago at 9:02 pm
  6. Hook Em

    No Southern gentlemen up in the north… sorry boys, the labels don’t make you a true frat star.

    14 years ago at 9:28 pm
  7. Hook Em

    Plus, if you were actually frat, you’d have transferred as soon as the guidos got anywhere close to your state. Can’t have that.

    14 years ago at 9:29 pm