Love how the South says the North isn't fratty when all the clothing they wear ex. Brooks Brothers, Polo, and Vineyard Vines comes from the North. TFM.
Everything important is up North. Where does the President live? Up North. Where are the constitution and declaration of independence kept safe? Up North. Where do all the decisions get made? Up North. Where is the biggest city in the country? Up North. Where is the Liberty bell? Up North. Where did our founding fathers declare this country a sovereign state? Up North. And last but certainly not least who won the Civil War (you know that battle between the South and the North that proves which side is better) ? THE NORTH.
We are better and you know it. And please don’t make some dumbass comment about Snooki just because there are some dumbasses in Staten Island and NJ, doesn’t mean we are all or mostly like that. We have Guidos and you have Hicks it pretty much evens out.
The only reasons we lost the war of northern agressiln is the fact that in the 1860’s the northern population was so much greater than the south’s. Also the south was a agricultural society at the time and didn’t have enough poor, grunt workers to staff factories like in the north. The southern soldiers were far superior, and almost ended the war in the first battle. The south is a society of honor. It is the one fraternity northerners can never ruin
Agressiln? Um, aggression is how it is spelled. The South lost the Civil War because the North used the Anaconda Plan by General in Chief Winfield Scott. The South also had a lot of poor white people. Fraltman, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
let it be known that the south surrendered in a position of advantage. the only reason the south didnt destroy every northern liberal gdi pussy is because then they would have no one to be better than
agressin? ur fucking retarded, fuck the south… go ahead and list all of the bullshit excuses that you have learned in order to save face but in the end all that matters is we fucking beat ur uneducated asses and while u sit around bitching about it and trying to make excuses… the north could fucking care less and all we do is make obsene amounts of money and laugh at your sorry attempts to compete with us
Not that I don’t agree the North is better, but you need to check your facts, The president lives in DC which is also where the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are kept, which while most southerners wont admit is south of the Mason Dixon Line and therefore technically considered the South.
A large percentage of our university is from the north, you know why? They HATE it there, with good reason too. If I was stuck living in some democratic landfill like New York or New Jersey, I’d leave too. They all come down here and go through rush, and you know what? They all land in the same shitty fraternity. And this crap about Ivy League, my dad could’ve bought my way in too, but I’d rather be at a university that has a legitimate football team along with girls that make yours look like Rosie O’Donnell.. on a good day.
God damn what a pussy ass argument. Never knew a line that existed 200 years ago could still cause a stir. If you’re rich, get pussy, enjoy pounding brew, and hate every ideal of the liberal agenda, who gives a rats ass where you’re from? Were all from fuckin the U S of A y’all are fighting like liberal bitches
It’s economics you morons, the textile mills up north ran by degenerates and indentured servants produce the articles of clothing that are sold to the southern united states. We are consumers. Being a consumer is FaF. There’s no textile mills down here, just raw materials to be exported.
Everything important is up North. Where does the President live? Up North. Where are the constitution and declaration of independence kept safe? Up North. Where do all the decisions get made? Up North. Where is the biggest city in the country? Up North. Where is the Liberty bell? Up North. Where did our founding fathers declare this country a sovereign state? Up North. And last but certainly not least who won the Civil War (you know that battle between the South and the North that proves which side is better) ? THE NORTH.
14 years ago at 7:42 amWe are better and you know it. And please don’t make some dumbass comment about Snooki just because there are some dumbasses in Staten Island and NJ, doesn’t mean we are all or mostly like that. We have Guidos and you have Hicks it pretty much evens out.
The only reasons we lost the war of northern agressiln is the fact that in the 1860’s the northern population was so much greater than the south’s. Also the south was a agricultural society at the time and didn’t have enough poor, grunt workers to staff factories like in the north. The southern soldiers were far superior, and almost ended the war in the first battle. The south is a society of honor. It is the one fraternity northerners can never ruin
14 years ago at 1:20 pmLets do it again and see what happens you guido.
14 years ago at 3:31 pmAgressiln? Um, aggression is how it is spelled. The South lost the Civil War because the North used the Anaconda Plan by General in Chief Winfield Scott. The South also had a lot of poor white people. Fraltman, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
14 years ago at 2:42 pmlet it be known that the south surrendered in a position of advantage. the only reason the south didnt destroy every northern liberal gdi pussy is because then they would have no one to be better than
14 years ago at 8:01 amSherman is my American hero. Burning down an entire “country” from one end to the other. TFM.
14 years ago at 12:12 pmYou’re saying the burning of the South is heroic? Get the hell out of America if you think that’s “heroic”.
14 years ago at 6:08 pmagressin? ur fucking retarded, fuck the south… go ahead and list all of the bullshit excuses that you have learned in order to save face but in the end all that matters is we fucking beat ur uneducated asses and while u sit around bitching about it and trying to make excuses… the north could fucking care less and all we do is make obsene amounts of money and laugh at your sorry attempts to compete with us
14 years ago at 9:08 pmNot that I don’t agree the North is better, but you need to check your facts, The president lives in DC which is also where the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are kept, which while most southerners wont admit is south of the Mason Dixon Line and therefore technically considered the South.
14 years ago at 1:02 amThe south has already risen again, Cam Newton.
14 years ago at 3:24 pmWAR DAMN
Hell yeah!
14 years ago at 12:25 amA large percentage of our university is from the north, you know why? They HATE it there, with good reason too. If I was stuck living in some democratic landfill like New York or New Jersey, I’d leave too. They all come down here and go through rush, and you know what? They all land in the same shitty fraternity. And this crap about Ivy League, my dad could’ve bought my way in too, but I’d rather be at a university that has a legitimate football team along with girls that make yours look like Rosie O’Donnell.. on a good day.
14 years ago at 7:45 pmGod damn what a pussy ass argument. Never knew a line that existed 200 years ago could still cause a stir. If you’re rich, get pussy, enjoy pounding brew, and hate every ideal of the liberal agenda, who gives a rats ass where you’re from? Were all from fuckin the U S of A y’all are fighting like liberal bitches
14 years ago at 10:08 pmYou got it [Right].
14 years ago at 11:36 pmNorth isnt fratty? Name one southerner that hit golf balls off the surface of the Moon….
14 years ago at 11:47 pmi was up north and was wearing my ray bans with croakies and someone asked me if people actually wear croakies…i was flummoxed NF!
14 years ago at 8:18 amIdk about that one, but the South has people like John Daly who drinks a fifth of Jack before hitting golf balls TO the moon.TFM
14 years ago at 10:31 pmIt’s economics you morons, the textile mills up north ran by degenerates and indentured servants produce the articles of clothing that are sold to the southern united states. We are consumers. Being a consumer is FaF. There’s no textile mills down here, just raw materials to be exported.
14 years ago at 8:28 amthank you, damn yankees dont know how life works.
14 years ago at 5:24 pmYou can’t find southern belles in the north. TSMT
14 years ago at 8:51 pmThat’s why theres Southern Tide, Southern Marsh, and Southern Proper.
14 years ago at 11:32 amOnly GDI’s work in clothing factories.
14 years ago at 1:48 pmI’ve never heard of any of those brands. Example of Northerners being pompus fucks?
14 years ago at 8:05 amdo you know what it means to frat?
14 years ago at 11:50 pm