Love how the South says the North isn't fratty when all the clothing they wear ex. Brooks Brothers, Polo, and Vineyard Vines comes from the North. TFM.

  1. Fratrick

    I personally could care less which side is better, the South frats the living hell out of the North any day.

    14 years ago at 8:59 am
  2. Frat McFratelist

    Northerners are a bunch of tree hugging, democratic, butt fucks. Bottom line… If Jackson did not perish, God save his soul. The great nation of the South would forever live behind the Stars and Bars. TFM

    14 years ago at 7:24 pm
  3. Bro Paterno2

    For the record, i believe Penn State should not be considered above the Mason Dixon Line. It may be geographically, but it’s all Republicans that hunt in the mountains around here. I’m from Virginia so i get a fair taste of what the south is like. And Penn State should not be mingled with the New England area. We are way too fratty to be insulted like that

    13 years ago at 10:09 am
  4. Mftx87

    Haha posting under Anonymous AND being from the North. NF. I guess being a dumbass in the North is frat.

    13 years ago at 4:49 pm
  5. OleSouthSince1865

    Here in the South, our GDI’s are more fratty than a fratstar from the north

    13 years ago at 3:33 pm