Representing from Nassau.

      1. thevaginators dad

        Cuz they’s from Alabama. By the way, my boy wants to put his pecker in her butthole.

        8 years ago at 3:48 pm
    1. Fratty McFratFrat

      Hello, thickness, my old friend
      I’ve come to eat your ass again
      Because the fat thighs softly creeping
      Around my face which is now stinking….

      8 years ago at 4:27 pm
    1. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

      Do you think the snorkeler sees a bush, a landing strip, or a clean shave?

      8 years ago at 6:27 pm
      1. DrGonzoTFM

        Hopefully clean shaven but with that ass I wouldn’t care if she had a full bush

        8 years ago at 6:37 pm