Rick Perry: Fratstar from the Lonestar


In the days following Rick Perry’s much-anticipated presidential candidacy announcement the reaction has been mixed. The Tea Partiers have already crowned him the conservative savior of the union, while liberals have settled on a cross between a morally ambiguous George Bush and the Anti-Christ. But, party politics aside; Governor Perry has more important factors that should assure him the GOP nomination.

He Knows how to Party: An essential test of character is how hard a fraternity man raged during his college years. Rick Perry has definitely passed this test. During his 5 years at Texas A&M, Perry earned a 2.2 GPA as an Animal Sciences major, after having to switch from Pre-Veterinary due to low grades. In response to a question about his academic performance, he stated that he obviously wasn’t going to get it done academically, but politics required people skills and that’s what he had. Guess those afternoon bar crawls paid off after all. And Governor Perry didn’t stop raging after he graduated. An incident at his 2007 Inauguration Gala received national news attention after his personal friend, Ted Nugent, (yes that Ted Nugent) came on stage for a performance at the party wearing a cut off Confederate flag T-shirt, yelling obscenities about non-English speakers. In response to a condemnation from the NAACP, Perry responded that he asked Nugent to play, but didn’t stipulate what he could play. Raging with The Nuge after securing your second term as the Governor of Texas. TFM.


Guns, Guns, and More Guns: While any self respecting Republican is going to have a strong stance on second amendment rights, none has shown such an affinity for firearms as Perry. He has received an A+ rating from the NRA, is the proud holder of a concealed weapons permit, and has worked to make guns easier to obtain in Texas. But the real X factor in Perry’s pro-gun agenda is his proclivity towards automatic weapons and the use of handguns at campaign rallies. What political event isn’t better with guns?


Contraceptives: Rick Perry hates contraceptives. Ok, he didn’t say that, but it sure looks that way. As governor Perry issued a directive that all women receive an HPV vaccine. He swears it was because of his concern about cervical cancer. I suspect that a dis-affinity towards male contraceptives in college led to some unfortunate encounters with less than sterile sorostitutes. When he saw an opportunity to eliminate an STD, he was just looking out for the unsuspecting and probably unprotected fraternal majority.

While these facts are staggering, if you still aren’t convinced, here’s a glowing endorsement from a former Aggie classmate.

“A&M wasn’t exactly Harvard on the Brazos River,” recalled a Perry classmate in an interview with The Huffington Post. “This was not the brightest guy around. We always kind of laughed. He was always kind of a joke.”

That joke is now running for president. TFM.


  1. Damn Right

    I like Rick Perry (almost as much as I like Ron Paul), but he doesnt have a chance at beating Obama. There’s a good chance of him winning the nomination, but too many people hate Bush and look at him as Bush reincarnated. Not to mention the fact that people like me are going to vote for Ron Paul whether he is the GOP nominee or not. So thats gonna take a lot away from Perrys votes

    13 years ago at 12:21 pm
    1. sperridise

      If you like Ron Paul you are a bad judge of politics. The guy thinks heroin should be legal to use, sell, and buy. He trusts people’s morals a little to much.

      13 years ago at 12:42 pm
    2. ShooterMcGavin

      Ron Paul is a very intelligent man, no doubt. But the man is 75 years old. His chances of becoming president are about the same as his chances of getting a boner without viagra. Hell, the guy has run for president twice before, what makes you think he’ll get it this time?

      13 years ago at 12:44 pm
    3. The Frat Czar

      “He trusts people’s morals a little to much.”
      It’s not about morals, it’s about the federal government and staying true to the constitution. The tenth amendment gives states the right to regulate drugs, not the federal government.

      13 years ago at 12:55 pm
    4. Damn Right

      ^Agreed. Everything he stands for is personal liberty. By legalizing all drugs, you take away and essentially kill these organized crime gangs. Im not gonna ever do heroine or meth, but if people wanna do it and throw their life away, so be it.

      And the reason he has a chance this time, is because he’s the only candidate who wants to get out of the middle east (which most americans now want), I know a lot of liberals (not from my fraternity, from my home town), and even theyre getting fed up with Obama, but theyre never going to go as far as to vote for a tea partyer. If he could get all of the moderate voters, hed have a damn good chance.

      13 years ago at 1:03 pm
    5. phigamsecrets

      *run. Past perfect uses the auxiliary verb have in the past tense, this requires the past participle run. Oh, and you are a douche.

      13 years ago at 1:04 pm
    6. CaptainBrohab

      I think if it came down to Obama v. Perry, the media will show the all-American Texan who’s created jobs (regardless of the circumstances i.e. Texas’ unemployment rate) against the man who promised change and has seen America’s credit rating lowered and no real change to speak of for the better. Opponents of Perry will play that he’s the dumb Bush clone, bring up his stance on Social Security, 10th Amendment, controversy with the death penalty, etc. etc. while highlighting Obama’s own success being whatever bullshit they can spin about him having created jobs himself and how his stimulus has in fact bettered the country.

      This is just how I foresee it to be. In the end, no one will really care about the facts. All that will matter is which man will be able to sell his image over the other guy, and right now, Obama is looking weak, and there’s blood in the water.

      13 years ago at 1:10 pm
    7. BroMiss

      Ron Paul is the way to go. Who cares how old he is? The argument that hes never won is simply foolish as Paul would say. The only race that matters is the race at hand. Simply put he seems to be the only person who has any idea what hes talking about. The rest are running to run. He has been predicting out current economical situation for years, very accurately I might add. http://youtu.be/fzG_CEnS8sg Just watch and hear what he has to say.

      13 years ago at 2:20 pm
    8. CaptainBrohab

      When your only friend in the media right now is Jon Stewart, and you’re a Republican, I think it’s safe to say that you don’t have a chance in hell of becoming president.

      13 years ago at 2:34 pm
    9. Courage

      Judge Napolitano of FOX news has endorsed him saying that he is the “Thomas Jefferson of our day”

      13 years ago at 3:11 pm
    10. BroMiss

      Don’t underestimate John Stewart publicity. Remember that show has a huge amount of viewers, and literally the day after that incident Ron Paul seemed to be getting more attention than ever. Which suffice to say probably isn’t a whole lot. While I would love to see him win, it would be a much safer bet to say he won’t. Then again, we do live in America.

      13 years ago at 3:12 pm
    11. Damn Right

      Yea, believe it or not, the day after Stewart aired his rant about the coverage, Fox News did a poll that said: Is Ron Paul getting enough media attention. And 97% of voters said no. And from what Ive seen Fox has started to mention him more.

      Ill try and dig up the poll results for the “Picture or it didnt happen” sect

      13 years ago at 5:57 pm
    12. FrattimusMaximus

      Ron Paul may have some great ideas; however, he will never become president. He has some great ideas, but is too radical for the American people. When it comes down to election time, it’s not what you say, but rather how you say it. His public speaking skills are lacking. Take a look at the GOP debate in Iowa. I am not saying that Ron Paul has bad ideas, but when/if he gets into a debate with Obama, he would lose. He would be much better suited as an adviser, but not a face man.

      I am NOT saying that Ron Paul has bad ideas.

      13 years ago at 10:03 am
    13. The Fratpack

      The only thing Ron Paul is good for is running as an independent and taking votes away from the Republican Party. Which I think is going to be the biggest issue facing Perry.

      13 years ago at 11:55 am
    14. President W Bush

      Frattimus, did you even watch the debate? Ron Paul destroyed everyone in that debate and is an incredibly logical thinker and communicator. He would dominate Obama in a debate because he is not about emotions, but the facts. The only person alive that can touch him in a debate is Ralph Nader, and that guy most certainly is not running for president. Without a doubt, if anyone is going to be elected over Obama it will be Ron Paul.

      13 years ago at 8:24 pm
    15. WiliamsBro

      Not voting for the GOP candidate, whoever he may be, would be the reason Obama wins again. You can’t split the Republican votes between two candidates and expect to have Obama out of the White House. After the primary it doesn’t matter if you like Paul more than Perry, either is better than what we have now.

      13 years ago at 12:32 pm
    1. Frat_Race

      Yeah, if TFM says to support someone with our countries well-being, i’m in. They’re really qualified.

      13 years ago at 3:35 pm
    2. Braxton Bragg

      Or he’s not a bitch like you and is supporting Perry based on his political record?

      13 years ago at 5:56 pm
    3. OrderontheBorder

      Or, I like Perry as a person and respect his accomplishments and being from Texas I would like to see him in the Whitehouse. Perry’s got the “Fuck you, we’re America” attitude I like to see in my nation’s leader. So, fuck you Fratent Pending.

      13 years ago at 9:30 am
  2. snobro

    Perry didn’t anything in Texas. The record amount of jobs created in Texas were due to the demand for oil, a commodity Texas is rich in. Perry didn’t do anything, even though he takes credit for the states job growth. Bottom line is that he has no economic sense and is a sensationalist spitting popular conservative view points without understanding any of them, which he will be eventually exposed as nomination time gets closer.

    13 years ago at 1:08 pm
    1. Les BROsman

      Hey moron, are you honestly asserting that 40% of the U.S.’s job creation in the last 4 years were created due to a demand for oil and “oil commodities” in Texas? Because that’s the amount of jobs created in Texas since 2006- 40 fucking percent of the US’s total job creation. Thats over 500,000 jobs dipshit. take an economics class, or kill yourself. either one.

      13 years ago at 1:42 pm
    2. Carolina Charm

      BROsman, 40% of job creation in America occurred in Texas since 2009 (not 2006). And LoneStarFratStar, the Texas oil and gas industry has only added 13% of the state’s net jobs since June 2010. Most of the state’s job growth can be attributed to pro-business policies and a significant rise int he Texas population.

      13 years ago at 2:14 pm
    3. Burt Reynolds

      GDI’s need jobs too. Minimum wage here is better than good jobs in most countries around the world, hence why illegal immigrants are moving here to get jobs.

      13 years ago at 7:06 am
    4. FraternitySwole

      snobro, i’ve been sittnig here with the “post new message” form open for the past ten minutes, speechless, trying to find the words to convey just how bad of an opinion this is, and how bad of a person you must be for holding it, but i just cant. the finest poet from any culture or time could sit here until the carbon in his body decayed into something else and never find the words to express just how *** you are. you’re like every *** porn ever compacted into one superdense super******. every opinion you ever hold is wrong, every idea you ever have should never be expressed, every ounce of effort you go through to think the thoughts you think is a waste, i’d say you should be shot into space, but you arent even worthy of the resources that would take. i’d say you should die, but you dont even deserve to be buried in the ground you walk on.

      13 years ago at 1:09 am
  3. starsNbars

    Not to mention Bush and Perry aren’t the best of friends. Perry isn’t making it easy for himself by insulting Bush’s former staff.

    I am sorry, but Obama will be re-elected.

    13 years ago at 1:20 pm
  4. Boston BroSox

    Perry has no chance. First, I doubt he can win the nomination, and if he can, it will mean an Obama landslide. I saw Rick this morning and yes, he is bombastic, but that won’t win. He is a religious nutcase. An 8 year old kid questioned his stance on creationism, and the 8 year old made him look quite idiotic. Only chance the GOP has right now with the current slate is if Huntsman or Romney can win. The Ultraright might not like that or believe that, but its the truth.

    13 years ago at 1:28 pm
    1. Peyton Fratting

      The kid did not in any way make him look idiotic. Some lib ass mom asked her kid to ask perry how old the earth was and basically told the kid that it didn’t matter (at least for this election) and that when the kid is old enough he can decide for himself. “believing in science” the mom put it is a complete bullshit approach to asking the question. Any conclusion make in science stems from presupposed ideas you already cling to rather than just plain truth. It is not an issue of science whatsoever and those who say it is are typically supporters of psuedoscience like the global warming fearmongers.

      13 years ago at 9:34 am
    2. brostock

      Peyton, would you mind clarifying? I may have misread, but you seemed to claim that a) whether the Earth was created through the Big Bang several billion years ago or by a supreme being a couple millenia ago makes no difference and b) that the aforementioned question has nothing to do with science. Care to elaborate?

      13 years ago at 11:06 pm
  5. TheTwelfthGate

    I love W as much as the next guy so this isn’t do discredit him because he did a whole of a lot more before being Governor. But in Texas the Lt. Governor has just as much if not more power. So you can’t say that Perry did everything for Texas’s economy on his own.

    13 years ago at 3:44 pm
    1. Drinking Till Dawn

      The Lt. has a LOT more power in the state than the Governor. He basically controls what legislation is even brought up to the senate before Perry ever even sees it.

      13 years ago at 9:21 pm
  6. Jay Fratliff

    This man is a joke. He’s an empty suit and everyone will realize it in the debates, or God forbid during his first term. Never trust anyone that holds a prayer rally in a football stadium for political purposes.

    13 years ago at 4:35 pm
    1. 1868 Fratting

      nobody realized Obama was an empty suit. If a jr senator beat a seasoned politician and war hero, I fail to see why Perry is at any disadvantage.

      13 years ago at 9:23 pm
    2. Fratent Pending

      I agree completely that his is an empty suit, but Perry is like a shitty Bush. A Bush that even Bush dislikes. A lot of people dislike Obama, but a vast majority of the US disliked Bush. I just think that if he wins the nomination Obama will cling to his “it’s all Bush’s fault” approach to doing everything, and will get the people against him.

      13 years ago at 8:46 am