Rick Perry: Fratstar from the Lonestar
In the days following Rick Perry’s much-anticipated presidential candidacy announcement the reaction has been mixed. The Tea Partiers have already crowned him the conservative savior of the union, while liberals have settled on a cross between a morally ambiguous George Bush and the Anti-Christ. But, party politics aside; Governor Perry has more important factors that should assure him the GOP nomination.
He Knows how to Party: An essential test of character is how hard a fraternity man raged during his college years. Rick Perry has definitely passed this test. During his 5 years at Texas A&M, Perry earned a 2.2 GPA as an Animal Sciences major, after having to switch from Pre-Veterinary due to low grades. In response to a question about his academic performance, he stated that he obviously wasn’t going to get it done academically, but politics required people skills and that’s what he had. Guess those afternoon bar crawls paid off after all. And Governor Perry didn’t stop raging after he graduated. An incident at his 2007 Inauguration Gala received national news attention after his personal friend, Ted Nugent, (yes that Ted Nugent) came on stage for a performance at the party wearing a cut off Confederate flag T-shirt, yelling obscenities about non-English speakers. In response to a condemnation from the NAACP, Perry responded that he asked Nugent to play, but didn’t stipulate what he could play. Raging with The Nuge after securing your second term as the Governor of Texas. TFM.
Guns, Guns, and More Guns: While any self respecting Republican is going to have a strong stance on second amendment rights, none has shown such an affinity for firearms as Perry. He has received an A+ rating from the NRA, is the proud holder of a concealed weapons permit, and has worked to make guns easier to obtain in Texas. But the real X factor in Perry’s pro-gun agenda is his proclivity towards automatic weapons and the use of handguns at campaign rallies. What political event isn’t better with guns?
Contraceptives: Rick Perry hates contraceptives. Ok, he didn’t say that, but it sure looks that way. As governor Perry issued a directive that all women receive an HPV vaccine. He swears it was because of his concern about cervical cancer. I suspect that a dis-affinity towards male contraceptives in college led to some unfortunate encounters with less than sterile sorostitutes. When he saw an opportunity to eliminate an STD, he was just looking out for the unsuspecting and probably unprotected fraternal majority.
While these facts are staggering, if you still aren’t convinced, here’s a glowing endorsement from a former Aggie classmate.
“A&M wasn’t exactly Harvard on the Brazos River,” recalled a Perry classmate in an interview with The Huffington Post. “This was not the brightest guy around. We always kind of laughed. He was always kind of a joke.”
That joke is now running for president. TFM.
Perry is insulting Obama too much right from the start. He’s looking for shock value and that doesn’t pay off in the long run. I would love my president to be FaF but Perry is not the guy. I would rather my president be balanced and qualified not the guy who can throw the best rager and gives no fucks. Its the same thing for any fraternity chapter too. (good chapters). That being said, Romney has the best chance as he is well known, can win a northern state or two, balanced on issues, and hasn’t pissed anybody off. We aren’t the only people who vote, so all those geeds and townies are more important fratstars in this election as we are mostly likely are guaranteed to vote GOP. The middle ground is what the GOP needs to win and Romney is the man to do that.
14 years ago at 4:43 pmMitt Romney won’t even win his home state. That coupled with him being a Mormon is probably a deal break for the primaries and general election.
14 years ago at 4:58 pmMormons are harmless and fun to yell at when they’re on their two year mission. And Romney may be able to win a battleground state like OH, PA, or CO.
14 years ago at 6:28 pmDude, most people are freaked out by Mormons. I know my parents are, and my mom’s best friend growing up was Mormon. Romney isn’t going to win any battleground state. The GOP has an uphill battle this election, and it isn’t because Obama is any good. Almost all the candidates are that shitty.
14 years ago at 10:53 pmWhich fraternity was he in?
14 years ago at 5:14 pmAlpha Gamma Rho.
14 years ago at 6:54 pmThat’s a fucking agriculture fraternity. How, may I inquire, can Perry be a “fratstar” when he was never in a legitimate fraternity in college?
14 years ago at 7:50 pmGo to OK State, TAMU, Mizzou, KState, Prudue, Auburn, UGA, Nebraska, and then tell me ALpha Gamma Rho isnt a real frat, or just look at Rick Perry, obviously a fratstar.
14 years ago at 8:24 amI wouldn’t call it a real fraternity at A&M. Just cause you’re in IFC doesn’t mean you aren’t a slapdick at heart.
14 years ago at 10:52 amPlus Perry was in the Corps at A&M, that’s a fraternity in and of itself.
14 years ago at 12:30 pmI hope you’re being sarcastic…
14 years ago at 8:27 amAGR is a Socail/Professional Fraternity. Just because most choose to wear boots instead of sperrys makes them not a fraternity?
14 years ago at 11:33 amPerry WAS a democrat at the onset of his political career, campaign manager for Al “global warming” Gore and an Aggie.
But he’s a Texan, carries guns and is NOT Obama.
Will a better Republican please stand up?
14 years ago at 10:45 pmRon Paul
14 years ago at 12:22 amhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JakOq76vtgg
Both Perry and Romney have less than perfect voting history as it pertains to the ideal candidate. I think Romney will take it because he’s got more finesse than Perry. I think this election will also largely be determined by running mates. If Rubio or Rand Paul step in, it will be a deciding factor. – it well be for me at least.
14 years ago at 11:00 amBeing scientifically illiterate. NF
Being Texan, state has been adding jobs like crazy, while many other states are loosing them, pro-2nd amendment, and being able to effectively communicate with his peers. FaF
14 years ago at 1:30 pmYou called someone else illiterate and then used the word “loosing.” Who’s NF now fuckface
14 years ago at 1:37 pmYou forgot a question mark, fuckface.
14 years ago at 1:49 pmThere’s a difference between illiteracy and scientific illiteracy.
14 years ago at 3:32 pmY’all might think that a 2.2 GPA is “FaF’ but the last thing I want my president to be (besides a lib) is a C student. I will move to fucking Canada is Perry or Bachman get elected to the most powerful seat in the world
14 years ago at 4:22 pmAmen, I will just have to stay home on election day if anyone besides Huntsman and Romney get the primary. Also Ron Paul, but I thought he was an independent so I dont know how that works… Is he running for the GOP primary and if he loses he will run as independent or just independent regardless?
14 years ago at 8:39 pmA vote for Perry of Bachmann in the Primary is essentially a vote for Obama.
14 years ago at 1:04 pmRick Perry: Fratter than thou.
14 years ago at 5:16 pmPerry is a religious nutjob, or else he pretends to be one. Since when did being a bible-banger become FAF?
14 years ago at 9:06 pmTake your balls out of your ass and get some fucking knowledge
14 years ago at 3:21 amWhoever likes Ron Paul is a dumb shitdick. He promised to release all drug offenders from prison. He voted for elimination of border patrol. Great fuckin idea. Whoever call themselves a true American better vote for Perry
14 years ago at 3:19 amI got to meet Gov. Perry the other day before the teaparty debate, he seems to be a very stand up guy. much like most AGR’s I have met (I am not an AGR)
13 years ago at 6:51 pm