Rick Perry, The New Standard for TFTC

This has been a week of extraordinary fuck ups. Something is in the air, and even a man with hair as awe inspiring as Rick Perry’s is not immune. He jogs with a laser-sighted pistol loaded with hollow-points and guns down coyotes that threaten his Labrador. He’s been the governor of Texas for so long that people just assume he’ll be reelected until the end of time. He makes Jay “TFTCutler” Cutler look like he gives a fuck. He is Rick Perry, and during last night’s debate he politically shit the bed in a way that will be talked about for years to come.

Oops is right. That went from being funny to painful and back to being funny again in rapid succession. If forgetting the name of a government agency that you plan on axing as president of the United States doesn’t make you TFTC, then I don’t know what does. The man actually said, “Oops” as we watched his campaign go up in flames. This would be like if Jay Cutler took his Bears to the Super Bowl, and then with a chance to tie and five seconds left in the game he threw a pick in the red zone and said “Oops” as he walked off the field. It would be like if W had held a press conference to announce that Saddam didn’t actually have WMDs and just said, “Oops.” From now on, the only way to end a fuck-up of epic proportions is by saying oops.

In my eyes this doesn’t really affect Perry’s campaign. He’s a face guy, not the brains behind the operation. I don’t give a fuck if he remembers the name of some agency that his advisors think he needs to tell the public he’s going to axe in order to gain poll points. But I’m only one man, and the liberal media is going to crucify him for this, so in remembrance of Perry’s presidential campaign remember to pick up a “Rick Perry 2012” shirt from Frocketees.com. Now let’s enjoy some of his finest moments together:

    1. FraTexas

      You know that everyone ran for office as a democrat in 1984, right?

      By 1984, there hadn’t only been one Republican Governor since the Reconstruction.

      13 years ago at 11:48 pm
    2. DirtySouthern

      Rick Perry was an AGR. Ron Paul was a Lambda Chi. Dare I bring back nuff said?

      13 years ago at 5:24 am
  1. david frocket

    didn’t Cutler say “oops” and walk off the field with in the NFC Championship game last year? TFTCutler

    13 years ago at 1:33 pm
  2. I’m sure Rick Perry is a good guy and a decent leader, not living in Texas I wouldn’t really know. However that being said he is a lot like W, a good ol southern boy with good intentions but lacking at some aspects. He isn’t what the country needs right now, as much as I would like to see an ultra conservative in office it won’t happen at the moment. America wants a moderate, I’m assuming Romney will be the candidate

    13 years ago at 1:37 pm
    1. jumpin jebrosefrat

      I’m from Texas and even though Perry is FaF he’s an awful governor. Definitely not what this country needs right now, I don’t know if I could confidently stand behind any candidate at this point.

      13 years ago at 6:34 pm
    1. Bull In a China Shop

      By far the best Conservative Candidate on the ticket but he cant secure the Moderate vote so the party wont back him, yet again. Ron Paul 2012. TotalLibertarianMove

      13 years ago at 1:49 pm
  3. fratitat

    Education, commerce and whatever other branch you fucking hippies beat your drums over

    13 years ago at 1:56 pm
  4. Frattapalooza

    Before anyone lets a candidates debating skills (or lack there of) make them jump on or off of their band wagon, we all need to rember that talking charismaticly, using eloquent words, and sounding intelligent in debates is arguably the primary reason that the guy with a smashed nose and oversized ass kissers got elected (other reason has to do with the darker hue of skin). There is no written proof, anywhere, that debating and public speaking has anything to do with sound leadership. People made this mistake last election…. and look what we are stuck with.

    13 years ago at 2:18 pm
    1. SEC Frat

      I agree that speaking skills should not influence your vote but Perry is a fucking moron.

      13 years ago at 3:39 pm