Rick Perry Turns Himself In For Incredible Mugshot, Leaves Jail To Get Ice Cream

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On Friday of last week, Texas Governor and Pantene Shampoo Spokesperson Rick Perry was indicted on two felony counts of abuse of power.

He is accused of being a bully and trying to take out a local district attorney by basically vetoing anything and everything that comes out of this DA’s office. It’s pretty sketchy stuff, but then again, so is charging the governor with two felonies just for being a douche.

Going to jail means taking a mugshot, and Perry put that off until yesterday, when he visited the Travis County Justice Center in Austin for this incredible photo:

Perry’s time in jail was short. After posing for the police, he and his goons headed to Sandy’s in Austin for some ice cream. It was a tough day for Mr. Governor. He just needed some strawberry sherbert.

Perry then jetted off to some other part of the country to host a political fundraiser because he still wants to be president. Only in Texas, y’all.

Image via Travis County Sherriff’s Office