Rick “Rooster” Santorum Will Out Chug You, Bro

Rick Santorum is widely known as a champion of the unborn, but is he also a champion beer chugger? He is according to a new story from The Huffington Post.

Everybody called him “Rooster.” And Rooster liked to chug.

-Penn State, 1977-

Frat Bro: ROOSTER! ROOSTER MY BRO! Check it out! Beer shower!!!

(*shakes up beer, pours it on Santorum’s head*)

Santorum: Stop! STOP! That’s an unnecessary waste of beer. Every beer is precious. Opened, unopened. All of them. From the moment it’s brewed a beer is precious.


(*Hands Santorum a beer*)

Santorum: Oh it’s on bitches!

(*Chugs beer in one gulp, slams it to the ground, helicopters penis*)

Santorum: COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO MOTHERFUCKERS! TIME TO RAGE! By the way, did you hear about our new defensive coordinator? It’s about damn time Jerry Sandusky got promoted.

Christine Grasso remembered how Santorum taught her the not-so-subtle nuances of chugging during her freshman year, when she was a “Little Sister” at the fraternity house. “Honest to God, he taught me how to chug a beer,” Grasso said. “Back then, you used to chug beer and, you know, challenge each other … He was amazing. He could chug a beer in like one gulp.” Rooster could beat everyone at beer-chugging, Grasso said. She explained the Rooster technique: “You just open your throat.”

I assume Santorum went on to give Grasso a private lesson on his throat opening technique since “swallowing” was still an acceptable form of contraception in the crazy 1970’s, not like today. Keep your laws off my freshman’s throat!

In all seriousness though I never had Santorum pegged as the type of guy to have a stereotypical frat nickname and an admirable drinking problem, even if I knew he was in a fraternity. I’m almost sort of, kind of… relating to him? I mean he wasn’t impossible to relate to before this, for example I also think sweater vests give me magical speaking abilities. But this is the first time I’ve actually viewed Santorum as a normal person and not some way too far right to appeal to America candidate.

I don’t want to speak too soon but I feel safe in saying that Rick Santorum’s chances at grabbing the nomination aren’t great. That said, this could only help him, right? For once he’s relatable. I would’ve leaked this stuff months ago if I were him. He should chug a beer at his next rally, show off that throat. I wonder if wearing a sweater vest would help at all. Wait… was that his secret in college? What sort of mystical throat related advantages do sweater vests give this man? Before you know it Rick Santorum is going to be singing opera while swallowing flaming swords, clothed in nothing but sweater vests.

I think that’s enough sweater vest jokes, back to my beer drinking Santorum campaign strategy. According to the article Santorum did try and play up his youthful shenanigans to an extent:

For a brief moment Monday afternoon, GOP presidential contender Rick Santorum jettisoned his conservative, culture-warrior talking points to make a down-to-earth connection with Ohio voters. He confessed that as a teenager, he used to cross the Ohio border to buy beer because the state’s legal drinking age was 18. “I used to enjoy going to Ohio,” he said.

I used to do the same thing in high school by driving over to East St. Louis, where the legal drinking age was “Thanks for not stabbing me, you may have what you like.”

Knowing what I know now about Santorum, I’m truly looking forward to his post loss party, whatever round of the election it comes in. Why? Because I think he might rage, at least for a night. He’s going to let the old Rooster back out, and I’d much rather see that than him in the White House.

Follow me on Twitter @BaconTFM

  1. J Fratpont Morgan

    Everybody needs to drop out and get behind Romney. Romney is not the best candidate, and I really don’t like him, but he has won enough primaries that it’s effectively impossible for Newt, Paul or Santorum to win. If we drag this out until August, there’s no way anyone can beat Obama, and the number one goal of everybody in this election should be to get Obama out of the White House.

    That said, Newt needs to stick around as long as Santorum does, if only to keep as many people from voting for Santorum, and Paul keeps the other candidates honest.

    13 years ago at 11:03 am
    1. Tea Party Rage

      There are no big difference between the two. I would love Paul to win, but if I had to choose between the democrat in disguise, the religious nut, or the pretend Reagan…I’m going pretend Reagan.

      13 years ago at 4:21 pm
    2. anon7472974648

      At least that “pretend democrat” is the least likely to get us into a nuclear war.

      Gov. Romney is the only one with executive experience, which is important (legislators have traditionally been weak presidents), he wants to let the states determine their own health care systems (federalism), probably knows the most about how the economy works, and most importantly, won’t piss off 70% of the American electorate like Rooster or Mr. Fidelity.

      Paul Ryan/Huntsman 2016

      13 years ago at 4:30 pm
    3. shepherd

      least likely to get us in a nuclear war? that would be ron paul. good try though.

      13 years ago at 5:05 pm
    4. anon7472974648

      ^I know that, and I really like Paul’s foreign policy views. I was exclusively talking about candidates with a chance to win.

      13 years ago at 5:58 pm
    5. J Fratpont Morgan

      If your goal is to get Obama out of the White House, get behind Mitt Romney. If your goal is to nominate a true conservative, be prepared to lose the White House to Obama again. That’s the situations we’re looking at right now, and I like it less than you probably think I do, but I’ve accepted it as it is.

      13 years ago at 12:21 am
    6. Alpha Frat

      I think I will have to change my vote from Romney to Paul. Ron Paul was cool with me on almost every aspect except foreign policy, because I considered him a pussy. With our debt, I am seeing that we will need to fix our problems here first before we go help others in need. btw I know military spending is not the cause of our debt, but we need to reduce debt in all aspects.

      13 years ago at 3:43 am
    7. Osama is Dead

      Please tell me how Romney can win the fucking election against Obama. Please, fucking tell me. I’m so tired of hearing this shit.

      The ONLY FUCKING REASON Romney is where he is today is because of two things. He’s backed by the media and he has a shit load of money.

      When the general election comes around, it doesn’t matter two flying fucks who the Media pushes. More people are interested and both parties come out to play. Besides, even if the Media was the push, the only people not pushing for Obama would be Fox News, and the only people watching Fox News, aren’t going to vote for Obama any way.

      So the only thing Romney can do is outspend Obama. Which is fucking impossible because Obama raises more money in a month than Romney can in a fucking year.

      Furthermore, Romney and his brilliant campaign strategy of spend, spend, spend got him a win in Ohio. By 4,000 votes. To a retarded Candidate. That he outspent 12 to 1.

      I’m so tired of this “Romney can win” bull shit. I fucking hate Mitt Romney.

      Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that could beat Obama because he is the ONLY candidate that attracts the same young voters Obama attracted back in 2008.

      But it is what it is. A bunch of fucking morons listening to the media and voting Romney because they are told to. Romney was the fucking front runner before Iowa according to every major news outlett when, at the time, Michelle Bachman won the Iowa Straw poll.

      I hate to break it to you champ, but the majority of the GOP is a bunch of dumb shits who don’t realize that their party doesn’t represent the middle class anymore.

      Republicans are the exact same thing as Democrats. Spend, spend, and spend some fucking more.

      I’m really pissed off right now. More than I should be. But I’m so unbelievably fucking tired at how stupid this country is. I’m just sick of it.

      The GOP is going to get embarrassed in November and I can’t fucking wait. Not because I want to see Obama as the President, but because I want to feel the demise of all these fat, stupid fucking Americans that were told for six months that Romney could beat Obama. I can’t fucking wait.

      Ron Paul. 2012. and if you don’t fucking realize that than you are a fucking idiot.

      13 years ago at 6:51 am
    1. Fraternity Man

      Whew, just got done running that lap for missing such an easy joke. I’m the Billy Cundiff of TFM comments, apparently.

      13 years ago at 1:07 pm