Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines

Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 167

Tinder is the modern day “missed connections.”
Not sure that’s gonna save this conversation.
The man knows what he did.
Remember what I said about “missed connections?”

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to Jared@totalfratmove.com

air bud
Good boy.
Seems like Marlina gets buckwild.
Classic Tinder.
Okay, we’re done here.

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to Jared@totalfratmove.com

    1. AndrewsMomsAss

      And one word of advice for Nick: RUN!!!!!! Ha ha I’m going to put that on Facebook!

      7 years ago at 8:29 am
  1. texasfratguy

    Over the past 167 weeks I have referred to the pickup lines posted on these threads, some have worked while others have not. At the end of the day I’d like to thank you Jared aka Devry Guy for your service.

    7 years ago at 8:46 pm
    1. jizzrag69v2

      Anyone who can’t pull without help from this dumpster fire is a massive loser.

      7 years ago at 9:40 pm
  2. DasCrow

    That Noelle line took time to line up but was totally worth it. Shame he wasn’t rewarded for his efforts.

    7 years ago at 7:25 am