Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines

Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 169

That it is.
I love this conversation starter.
Great follow-up.
Interesting start.

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to Jared@totalfratmove.com

In his defense, it is a pretty good story.
That they do.
Don’t think she’ll be responding to this one.

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to Jared@totalfratmove.com

  1. jizzrag69v2

    Aneesha is the sound I make when I sneeze in class and blow snot all over the back of some geed’s head

    7 years ago at 10:18 am
      1. Ghost of Dixie Past

        Hey guy, you should go fuck your mother before I get to her. I’m into big girls this time of year.

        7 years ago at 9:21 pm
      2. jizzrag69v2

        You wanna get you teeth knocked in little man? Because we can make that happen

        7 years ago at 3:19 am
  2. Ronnie Swanson

    I see the comment section is still fucked and clouded with ass-hats. I’ll check back in next Thursday.

    7 years ago at 12:53 pm
  3. Ghost of Dixie Past

    I’m convinced the majority of these girls are ugly accidental matches that guys use to get on tfm instead of unmatching. None of you degenerates are opening on a 10 with “wanna toss my salad?”

    7 years ago at 1:09 pm
      1. EmilyStoreyy

        I just got paid 9k dollar working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over 14k dollar her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less. Read more this site… www.Jobzon3.com

        7 years ago at 2:12 pm