Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 17

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He’s gonna take one for the team.
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Too soon or not soon enough?
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They always come around!
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This kid’s dads are crazy!
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I am the 22%.
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That’s a square deal, Maria.
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Better reception than her puking in her mouth a lot, I guess.

Follow @TinderConvos on Instagram

If you have a hilarious Tinder interaction, send it to TheDeVryGuyTFM@gmail.com.

    1. Sex Above Everything

      Anyone remember the video of that happening to some guy on rotten.com??? You just can’t unsee something like that…

      10 years ago at 11:17 pm
      1. Drunk Patty Kane

        Given your username and comment, I’m going to assume you are still looking to lock down that first girlfriend and you spend a lot of time in your room alone.

        10 years ago at 11:58 am
      2. Sex Above Everything

        I made that username way back when making acronyms of you’re house’s letters was all the rage. All the cool kids were doing it.

        Damn kids these days don’t even know what rotten.com is/was… I’m getting old…

        Education time kids: http://www.1man1jar.org/

        10 years ago at 10:53 pm
    1. ILoveFratking

      Thanks for the heads up but I don’t think any of us were seriously considering it.

      10 years ago at 10:37 pm
  1. Fratwurst Sausage

    “Wanna play the rape game.” Someone’s been eavesdropping on Dorn at the playground again.

    10 years ago at 7:12 pm