Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines

Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 184

Dexter is dope.
Magnus chill dude.
I think this is the first sexual pickup line most American males ever learn.
Interesting start.

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to Jared@totalfratmove.com

Kid’s got bars.
Never heard a female say that about a dick pic before.
This either went over well or poorly.
Damn, she didn’t even say anything bad about it. This guy must really love Sosa.

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to Jared@totalfratmove.com

  1. Ghost of Blackball Past

    Virginator as one chance to show he’s not a pussy. Show up to the racquetball ball courts by 1 and get that ass beat. I’ll be the dude looking like he’s about to rail both your moms.

    7 years ago at 11:11 am
    1. Ghost of Blackball Past

      Virginator actually decided show. He immediately tried to apologize and act like everything was cool. Typical little bitch. Unlucky for twinkle toes I wasn’t having any of that bullshit and swiftly knocked him the fuck out. Took his two front teeth and broke his glass jaw in the process. If you wanna get your ass beat again you know where to find me, squirt. (Hint: breaking in your moms pussies.)

      7 years ago at 12:12 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Do I know you Kid? I haven’t seen you around here much but starting rumors and running your mouth like that will get you your ass beat. Either man up and say something to my face or sit down. Fucking pussy.

        7 years ago at 2:57 pm
    2. Stardog

      Ghosts is another of Vaggies 12+ accounts . Weak bro. Uh. Your not anyone’s bro. X that
      U still suck

      7 years ago at 1:06 pm
      1. Ghost of Blackball Past

        Look another virginator account. How’s that jaw feeling? Probably not a sore as your moms after I face fucked them.

        7 years ago at 1:11 pm
      1. Ghost of Blackball Past

        You keep taking the bait like your moms keep taking my frock.

        7 years ago at 3:20 pm
      2. thevaginator

        You’re the one who’s dancing little man. You’re on my comment thread

        7 years ago at 7:02 pm
      3. Ghost of Blackball Past

        *tap* *tap* *tap* what’s that? No it’s not me tapping your moms, I did that earlier. It’s you, twinkle toes. Tap dancing for me, your master.

        7 years ago at 11:21 pm
      4. thevaginator

        Took the bait again!! You must feel like dancing kid go on and give us another

        7 years ago at 12:22 am
    1. Stardog

      U own nothing. U wrote half of them. Your narcissistic disorder is showing. Time to leave the basement and go play tag with the kids.

      7 years ago at 1:15 pm