Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines

Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 221

Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines
Crazy things can happen when you swipe right.

Follow @tinderconvos on Instagram for daily doses of Tinder hilarity

Nice try, Tasso.
He risked it all, and it may have paid off.
Agreed. #NAMEGAGS2018
Okay, scratch that — THIS GUY risked it all, and it may have paid off.

If you’ve had a hilarious Tinder interaction or have come across an absurd Tinder profile, send it to TinderConvos@grandex.co

I feel like most would say scary tho considering that whole Florida thing
Damn Becca coming in HOT
… poorly
She probably does, yes. #NAMEGAGS2018
Odd flex but okay. #NAMEGAGS2018
  1. AndrewsMomsAss

    Andrew, if you get gloopy stains on my new leather sofa, your father will have to pay for it! And you’d better not lose that Juul that I bought for you!

    6 years ago at 11:42 pm