Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 33


Crazy things can happen when you swipe right.

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Tinder Lines 1
Are name gags the new #BUTTSTUFF2015? This week makes a case.
Tinder Lines 2
Phenomenal opener. Textbook stuff here.
Tinder Lines 3
Great save.
Tinder Lines 4
Is the paper bag a dude or a chick? Need more info.
Tinder Lines 5

If you have a hilarious Tinder interaction, send it to TheDeVryGuyTFM@gmail.com.

Tinder Lines 6
Every guy does this, Lauren. Why do you think we all have Lifeproof cases? It’s not like I’m going to go scuba diving with my phone. It’s strictly a jizz protector.
Tinder Lines 7
Bitches love Pikachu.
Tinder Lines 8
Fratrick Henry. TFM.
Tinder Lines 9
Tinder Lines 10
Coming soon to Lifetime Network.
  1. HonoraryMember

    Haven’t been on Tinder because it came out after I had a girlfriend who is now my wife, but what’s the match to actual hook up ratio? I’m imagining just full on sex binders every night, and I fucking missed out. Great.

    10 years ago at 4:13 pm
    1. TheActivesArePissed

      Nah, your chances of actually getting laid are pretty slim, unless she’s a troll.

      10 years ago at 4:53 pm
    2. SphincteralMicturation

      If I were to give an honest ratio based off experience, I’d say the ratio of girls who are dtf to girls who you message is around 1:5. It’s better than you think. Catch is, a lot of those girls you matched hammered and are beat as fuck

      10 years ago at 6:11 pm