Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 34


Crazy things can happen when you swipe right.

Follow @TinderConvos on Instagram

Tinder Lines 3
Clever girl… (If you get this reference you probably think I’m a genius right now)
Tinder Lines 17
Jesus Christ, Bridgette…
Tinder Lines 8
He’s very polite for a curb stomper.
Tinder Lines 12
Looks like everything worked out alright for everybody here.
Tinder Lines 5

If you have a hilarious Tinder interaction, send it to TheDeVryGuyTFM@gmail.com.

Tinder Lines 20
I can’t be the only one who is curious what the size distribution is in this situation.
Tinder Lines 6
Tinder Lines 13
Alrighty then.
Tinder Lines 15
If he is going to continue stalking, he needs to invest in a better telescope. What’s the point if you aren’t going to go all in on it?
Tinder Lines 9
  1. hoosiers1976

    “There’s a shock at first but then it feels good. Kinda like anal” TFM

    10 years ago at 5:03 pm
  2. The Eagle

    Hang in there Jose, persistence is key. One day she’ll begging for you to put your burrito in here mud hole.

    10 years ago at 8:43 am