Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines

Ridiculous Tinder Pickup Lines, Part 54


Crazy things can happen when you swipe right.

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Tinder Lines 1
Wendy’s about to have her mind blown, among other things.
Tinder Lines 2
The Miracle on ICE (this joke would be a lot funnier if you were from Costa Rica because ICE is the name of one of their main cellular service providers).
Tinder Lines 3
Last week, guinea pigs. This week, hamsters. The rodent trend continues.
Tinder Lines 4
Tinder Lines 5
You’re perfect for each other, you fucking nerds.
Tinder Lines 6
Get back to him when you find out.
Tinder Lines 7
I don’t think they are on the same page.
Tinder Lines 8
That’s not the right hashtag, doofus. #NAMEGAGS2015, get it right.
Tinder Lines 9
None of us can.
Tinder Lines 10