Rioting Hockey Fans May Have Taken Down An LAPD Drone Last Friday

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Rioting and hockey fans go together like pledges and despair. When there’s one, the other is always nearby. It should come as no surprise that fans turned the streets of Los Angeles into anarchy shortly after the Kings won the NHL’s Stanley Cup last week.

Past hockey-induced turmoil has brought us moments such as the Vancouver Kissing Couple:

Sometime during last Friday’s post-victory rioting, a drone appeared above the crowd. It instantly became the most desired object in the city.

Once the drone was knocked out of the sky, jubilant chanting was the obvious next celebratory step.

While there are conflicting reports as to whether this drone belonged to the Los Angeles Police Department or to a private citizen filming the chaos, whoever sent it up that night is wholeheartedly regretting ever believing it was a good idea.

Fucking hockey fans, man. They rival soccer maniacs at times, but they give us some of the best post-game destruction videos of any sport. For that, I have to admire them.

[via Business Insider]

Image via YouTube

  1. JustForTheStory

    Two arrests and no serious injuries. You must have a pretty loose definition of a riot.
    Also not a LAPD drone. There’s really no conflicting reports outside the unsupported guesses of some half-ass journalists.
    Try using Google next time. It’s a great source of information.

    10 years ago at 10:58 am
  2. Creative_Frat_Username

    It wasn’t a police drone it was just some guy with an expensive RC helicopter with a go-pro strapped to it

    10 years ago at 11:04 am
  3. JustForTheStory

    The people of Business Insider being the half-assed journalists in this case.

    10 years ago at 11:04 am