Romney Speaks Out Against New Gun Legislation

In light of the tragic shooting in Aurora, CO, America’s gun laws have become a hot topic of discussion. Some wonder if is more stringent laws would have prevented James Holmes from acquiring the firearms he used to kill twelve people and injure dozens more. Others disagree. They believe the ill-intentioned will still be able to find weapons if they are motivated enough to kill. Naturally, the men running for President this year will be asked to weigh in. Mitt Romney did, and he applied some much-needed common sense to the discussion.

“A lot of what this young man did was clearly against the law,” Romney told NBC. “But the fact that it was against the law did not prevent it from happening.”

Asked if he had a “problem” with individuals being able to purchase large amounts of ammunition via the internet, Romney said he didn’t think it was possible to “prevent people who want to provide harm from being able to purchase things to carry out that harm.”

After all, criminals don’t adhere to our laws to begin with. CLICK HERE to watch the interview with NBC’s Brian Williams.

  1. Mr Penguin

    I don’t see anyone asking why there were infants, 6yr olds, and 9yr olds in this PG-13 movie… These parents should have known that subjecting them to that could scar them for life.

    12 years ago at 10:24 am
    1. SigmaPhiGeedsilon

      ^This. It’s completely ridiculous that parents bring their children and infants into these movies. There’s a reason the movies are rated what they are. I don’t see any reason a 6 year old or 9 year old child should have been in The Dark Knight Rises midnight premier, and now they will surely be scarred for life.

      12 years ago at 12:07 pm
    2. Sperries_OnMyDipSpit

      ^^^Isn’t The Penguin a villain in Batman? Something was most definitely done here.

      12 years ago at 12:30 am
    1. I_Buy_Kneegrows

      Way to copy my clever username and change it into the biggest geed freak show ever posted on this site. This deserves nothing more than a simple fuck you because you are not worth any more of my energy.

      12 years ago at 11:42 am
    2. SigmaPhiGeedsilon

      ^This guy’s name, TFM. ^^This guy, kindly get the fuck off this site, you liberal geedfuck.

      12 years ago at 12:09 pm
  2. Haze That Pledge

    Apparently Aurora, CO., has pretty strict gun laws as it is. Were those laws more relaxed, who knows? Maybe someone would have gunned down that madman earlier.

    12 years ago at 10:40 am
  3. anon7472974648

    I can already see how this will play out.

    MR, trying to appease his base: No ban on assault rifles and high capacity magazines!”

    BO, trying to win the middle vote: “This guy’s crazy.”

    When Romney (unfortunately) loses in November by 20%, this will be yet another example why (this, and how he and the entire right wing has pissed off the Latino vote). He’s run a horrible campaign for the get-go. He’s so focused on firing up his base, a base that’ll never vote for Obama anyways, that he’s leaving the vote that actually matters-the moderate, up for grabs vote-out there for Obama to just take. Elections are a race to the middle, and Romney’s sprinting the opposite way.

    12 years ago at 10:42 am
    1. Murray Rothbard

      As governor Mitt Romney signed into law a ban on assualt weapons. He also constantly referred to himself as a “progressive”. Let’s not even get into the healthcare debacle. Romney will lose not because he’s pandering to the base; but because, like Obama, he nothing more than a big goverment liberal. The only differnce being Romeny dresses better, pays occasional lip service to conservatives, and has an “R” behind his name.

      12 years ago at 11:01 am
    2. DrFratlove

      So, Obama won because of the Latino vote? I’m curious to see how him supplying large amounts of guns and ammo to Latino gangs and cartels will sway that vote. If it doesn’t, nothing will.

      12 years ago at 11:32 am
  4. Frat_The_Bunny

    1994: In his unsuccessful challenge to liberal Democratic senator Edward M Kennedy, Romney sounds moderate on guns, supporting an assault weapons ban and insisting, “I don’t line up with the NRA.”

    2002: Running for governor of Massachusetts, Romney says he supports and will protect the state’s “tough gun laws”. The NRA gives his Democratic opponent a higher rating on gun-rights issues and makes no endorsement in the race.

    2003: As governor, Romney upsets gun owners by signing a law that quadruples the state’s gun-licensing fee – from $25 to $100 – as part of a widespread effort to eliminate the budget deficit.

    2004: Romney signs a Massachusetts ban on assault weapons. He mollifies many gun rights advocates by coupling it with looser rules on gun licenses and an extension of the duration of licenses, reducing the effect of the earlier fee increase.

    2005: Declares May 7 Right to Bear Arms Day in Massachusetts. 2006: As he prepares for his first presidential run, Romney becomes a lifetime NRA member.

    2007: While campaigning, Romney declares he sometimes hunts “small varmints” – a comment ridiculed by some as an awkward attempt to pander to pro-gun voters.

    2008: In a Republican primary debate, Romney says he would have signed the federal assault weapons ban if it came to his desk as president, but he opposes any new gun legislation.

    2011: Making his second presidential bid, Romney’s campaigns on a promise to protect and promote the second amendment.

    So I’m seeing lots of lip service like joining the NRA and saying he’ll protect the 2nd Amendment and even some bullshit about a right to bear arms day… but it sure does look like he doesn’t have a personal interest in guns either.

    12 years ago at 10:57 am
    1. Natalie Light

      Obama: Hires Cabinet who mostly support the ban of all weapons from being in civilians hands.

      12 years ago at 12:40 pm
  5. 40koozie

    Shouldn’t the same logic apply to drugs then? If it’s common sense that people will find ways to access guns & ammo, it’s also common sense that people will find ways to access molly & snow. The implication being that we shouldn’t bother banning either under this framework.

    12 years ago at 12:41 pm
    1. FratLloydWright

      ^ You’re right, but at the same time completely wrong. Drugs> Guns. Drugs don’t kill anyone but the user. Guns kill people who don’t buy them.

      12 years ago at 6:21 pm
  6. American

    Just a few years ago, Romney’s stance on gun control was the complete opposite. In fact, it was that opposite opinion that help power him the the seat of Governor.

    12 years ago at 7:18 am