Ron Paul: Sprinkle Some Freedom On It


Dr. Ron Paul’s 3rd presidential campaign is in high gear. The 76 year old libertarian from South Texas might be a Viagra and a strong coffee away from his death bed, but his passion for futile campaigns is unwavering. This might be Paul’s last hoorah. The perennial fringe candidate of choice has even resigned from his beloved south Texas congressional seat to “focus” on his 3rd bid for the Oval Office.

Paul is a very polarizing politician, mainly due to his uncompromising positions on just about everything. Federal Reserve? End it. Drugs? Legalize them, all of them. Welfare? Nope. IRS? Gone. Prostitution? Definitely. Get the picture? The guy is definitely opinionated. His views may have pushed him to the fringe of national politics before, but he’s been given new life. He’s been called the “intellectual godfather” of the Tea Party, and he’s hoping to ride that wave to the White House.


So in preparation for the GOP primary, here’s what you need know about Ron Paul.

He Loves The Constitution: Like a GDI and mediocrity, Ron Paul and the constitution are meant to be. Paul has been America’s self -proclaimed defender of the constitution for 30 years. Don’t believe me? Some people sleep with a bible on their nightstand, but he sleeps with a copy of the Bill of Rights under his pillow because “there’s nothing like the feel of freedom after a long day.” A little creepy, I admit, but you’ve got to admire the commitment. It has simplified the way he approaches political issues. Want to know what Ron Paul thinks? Check the constitution. If it’s in there he likes it. If not, fuck it.


He’s A Ladies Man: In every sense of the word. Paul’s seen more than 4,000 women spread eagle since 1960. 40 years and running? Take that, Hef. He has such a reputation with the ladies that his first congressional victory was attributed to the number of women who voted for him. That’s crazy. Women can vote? And yes Paul is a Gynecologist but, one fact is undeniable, bitches love him. So can he ride the female vote all the way to the White House? I don’t know. Ask Hillary.

A Shot of Liberty with a Sprinkle of Freedom: This is Paul’s solution to every problem there is. Paul can somehow turn every answer into a spiel about personal liberty and the government treading on our freedom. I share his sentiment, but Jesus Christ man, answer the goddamn question. I know the founding fathers wanted a hands off government but they also wore wigs and didn’t have electricity so I don’t think trying to determine what George Washington would think about NAFTA is really the best way to go.

There you have it. The man, the myth, the … Well that’s it really. Until next time,

Ron Paul 2012: Sprinkle Some Fucking Freedom On It.


  1. The Milledge Bus

    Ron Paul is by far the frattiest candidate there is. He’s also the most committed to the original conservative ideology and doesn’t change his views based on who he is speaking to; he’s principled.

    13 years ago at 4:17 pm
  2. TriangleEx1890

    Only true republican in the race, and the troops support him over anyone else… The only endorsement I need to hear.

    13 years ago at 4:47 pm
  3. fraterati

    Ron Paul is the only candidate that whips out facts like he’s talking about the weather. He also is what a politician should be: consistent. He stands by his views. You know his vote on any issue before he casts it. By voting for him, you know exactly what you are getting.

    So much for every other asshole in the campaign, Democrat or Republican.

    13 years ago at 6:26 pm
    1. RepublicanProsperity

      You do know exactly what you’re getting… A crazy asshole.

      The man is an idiot. He made statements saying that he would have (and Obama should have) contacted Pakistan before the Bin Laden raid. He knows that doing this would cause Usama to go on the run again to a new safe house, but because he doesn’t want to break his “history”, he would be willing to let Bin Laden go. Fucking idiot.

      A vote for Ron Paul on the independent ticket (because he won’t be on the GOP ticket) is a vote for Obama. Why? Because Ron Paul has no chance at the presidency.

      13 years ago at 7:56 pm
    2. Bro in peace

      While I don’t agree with Ron Paul’s assesment of the raid, his statement was consistent with his position to always follow the law and the Constitution. If you are going to vote based simply on who got Bin Laden, I guess we know who you are voting for. Personally, I feel there are bigger threats to our country, and Ron Paul is qualified to address those logically. I’ll wait and see how the campaigns play out, but I wouldn’t dismiss him based on one statement.

      13 years ago at 9:35 am
  4. The Tradition

    Ron Paul is the only respectable candidate running. Plus there hasn’t been a good conservative in the White House since Reagan. And yes, I know Paul is more of a Libertarian, which is why he’s got my vote. He’s the only candidate who truely wants freedom.

    13 years ago at 6:33 pm
    1. ThetaKappanu

      There are plenty of clips and quotes of Perry that make me think the same thing about him

      13 years ago at 7:58 pm
    2. The Frat Czar

      ^you clearly didn’t watch the video.

      That’s the reason I switched from supporting Paul to supporting Perry. I supported him in ’08 and I had supported him up until Ames, but none of it will matter if the media continues to just shit on his chest.

      13 years ago at 8:23 pm
    3. Project Mayhem

      I hate that clip. I mean, I love it because it shows exactly how the media has been so unfair.

      13 years ago at 9:53 pm
  5. Fratstars Anonymous

    Ron has an A+ rating from Gun Owner’s of America. The only candidate in the 2008 election to have such a title. He is a true vanguard of the constitution, and the one of the few people I believe can move this country forward. Ron Paul 2012.

    13 years ago at 8:27 pm
  6. frat superstar

    Not to be repetitive, but Ron Paul is the best candidate for plenty of reasons. In domestic policy, drug policy reform is much needed, as the war on drugs (especially the more recreational ones) is a waste of tax dollars, and the federal tax system needs overhaul in terms of less taxation on the wealthy (shut the fuck up warren buffet). Internationally, I think it is time for the USA, the mightiest country in the history of the world, to stick to our own problems. As much as I like to see us eliminate al Qaeda, I would rather see our great country owe those close eyed Chinese fuckers anything. Ron Paul seems to be the only candidate who has a rational plan to eliminate our debt and restore the USA to its debt-free glory.

    That being said, we as the next generation of strong minded conservatives need to speak loudly at the Republican primary level, but yield to our party as a whole, because a splintered conservative party will lose to that mouthbreather Obama in November. So anyone opposed to Perry or Romney or Paul or even Bachmann/Palin (yes and yes) needs to speak up in the primary election and not fuck shit up for our party and country for the next four fucking years by allowing the poor geed majority of our great nation to reelect the most famous double digit handicap in the US

    13 years ago at 10:58 pm