(Updated With Photo) Rumors In Starkville Say ADPi Pledges Are Literally Shitting All Over Fraternity Row

Screen Shot 2014-09-08 at 10.25.24 AM

***** UPDATE: We received a photo of the shit. This is your official WARNING that if you scroll to the bottom of this article, you will see a photo of the shit. It’s human shit, and it’s gross. *****


School is officially back in session. I know this because college football is back, the air is getting slightly cooler, and because sorority girls are shitting in and on things that aren’t toilets. Rogue sorority shitters, amazingly, are a frequent occurrence on college campuses. No, really (see here and here). Y’all are nasty.

Another sorority shitting–possibly several instances–occurred in Starkville over the weekend, according to multiple sources. Pledges of Alpha Delta Pi allegedly shit in a trashcan, on a cooler, and on the front lawn of the Pike house on Saturday. Poor Pike, man. They’re always getting picked on. We received the following tip this morning.

On Saturday September 6, 2014, Mississippi State’s campus was literally hit by a shit storm. Rumors the following morning spread about campus through social media (particularly Yik Yak) of several freshman ADPis taking dumps all across fraternity row. Apparently mystery poops were found or witnessed in the following places: a trashcan, on top of a cooler, and in the front lawn of the Pi Kappa Alpha house. The names are left out to protect the guilty but it has been confirmed that the dumps were taken by two separate girls both pledging ADPi.

I hate this guy for making me download Yik Yak, but I did, and here’s what I found:



These are just two of many Yik Yak posts I found that mentioned the ADPi shitting situation. Dear the person who claims to have a picture of the ADPi shit, please email it to me because I can think of many sick individuals who would love to see it, and they’re all reading this article right now.

There was also this post:


I got you.


And here’s the shit:


And here’s a video of someone (a pledge?) cleaning the shit:

Human shit is so much nastier than dog shit. But why? Ever think about that? Can’t explain it.

Image via Twitter / @MSUADPi

  1. TrappinOutTheFratHouse

    the cooler was found outside of pike, but the picture shows a Pi kapp cooler?

    10 years ago at 12:04 pm
  2. BigJ1856

    My professor asking the local ADPi’s to raise their hand then immediately posting this during class. TFM.

    10 years ago at 12:11 pm
  3. Classy Carolinian

    I don’t go to school there, but that cooler is definitely not a Pike cooler. it is a Pi Kappa Phi cooler. Get you’re shit together Dorn.

    10 years ago at 12:45 pm