Rush Boobs From This Week (42 Photos)

Since the dawn of the internet, fraternity members have been convincing girls to write “Rush (Insert Fraternity Here)” across their chests for promotional purposes. Over the past several months there has been a massive resurgence in the world of rush boobs, and more recently, rush ass. Here are this week’s photos…






  1. bighoss25

    Some people are ass men. We need a more equal proportion in a non-liberal type of way.

    12 years ago at 6:53 pm
  2. mosthonorableactive

    Screw the sailboat on the top of page 9. Rush Snatch is the wave of the future

    12 years ago at 8:06 pm
  3. Ragingandhazing

    1. Fuck the sailboats
    2. Fuck Triangle
    3. The letters in the Kappa Sigma snapchat picture definitely look like they were added in with MS Paint.

    12 years ago at 9:27 pm