Rush Boobs From This Week (42 Photos)

Since the dawn of the internet, fraternity members have been convincing girls to write “Rush (Insert Fraternity Here)” across their chests for promotional purposes. Over the past couple months there has been a massive resurgence in the world of rush boobs, and in the past few weeks, rush ass. Here are this week’s photos…

  1. First in Frat

    3rd page, second from bottom – Kappa Sig typo. Take some goddamn laps until you can draw a sigma.
    Also, no Alpha Sig rush tits? I’m disappointed.

    12 years ago at 10:19 pm
  2. Parachutist

    No PIKE??? What did everybody run out of Rohypnol this week? Get your heads back in the game!

    12 years ago at 11:24 am
  3. TrickleDown

    “It ain’t a strip club if they ain’t showin pussy”

    Rush vagina or bust

    12 years ago at 2:35 pm
  4. Alpha Frat

    1. Bare boobs are preferred
    3. At least some of the letters must be on the actual boobs
    4. No fatties or albinos
    5. Nip slips that sneak by tfm staff are given more tenure
    6. But-her-face’s are allowed as long as none of the face in the picture

    12 years ago at 9:13 pm