Rush In A Jewish Fraternity

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The hardest decision any rush chairman of a Jewish fraternity has to make is whether to go to Hillel or Chabad during the first weeks of school. While most other chapters can meet freshmen by holding parties and going to the local freshman bar, it’s in the best interest of our Nationals-imposed quota to stick to recruiting kids with last names that end in “-stein” or “-man.” I wish I were kidding, but welcome to rush for a Jewish fraternity.

Rush officially began this Thursday, but of course, we have been dirty rushing kids since school started. It’s what every chapter does. Except while most chapters are inviting kids to come to the house to play pong or watch the game, my house is getting kids to come to services for Yom Kippur and pray with them. I guess it’s different, I’m not sure. Both options seem pretty fun.

On Thursday we had our first rush event. We did our classic Burgers and Brews night with the first round of freshmen rushing our house. It’s nice. The whole chapter came to the backyard to grill and throw the football around. Except Goldberg. And Stein. And Cohen. The burgers weren’t kosher. Great way to keep the super-Jewish kids away from the event so they don’t scare away the non-Jews. And Stein kinda sucks. Only got a bid because of his area code.

The conversation with the freshmen are always the same.

“Hey, Mark, I’m Aaron. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?”

“I’m from Long Island.”

“Oh cool, I know a ton of people from Long Island. Which town?”

“I’m from Jericho.”

“Oh no way, have you met Levitt? He’s from Jericho too. Let me get him.”

That’s when I went to get Levitt from the forever-unclean vomit sofa to make him talk to this freshman. The two talked about their high schools, their mutual camp friends, the usual. That’s when Levitt got the kid’s number, 516 area code and all, and texted his friends at Syracuse and Emory to ask if the kid was cool. Apparently, Mark was a weird guy back on the Island. Instant ball. This is called Jewish geography.

Our event on Friday was a mixer. We invited a smaller pool of freshman to the house for our annual Risky Business themed party with SDT (naturally). We told them to get to the house around 10:00 to hang out before the girls show up. That’s when I got worried. I noticed a few of my favorite freshmen didn’t show up. I texted around to see where they could be. Turns out they went to Sammy’s Jungle-themed party that night. At least it wasn’t ZBT.

That’s when the girls started to arrive. The mixer went fine. It’s easy to ensure a solid turnout when your brothers are dating girls exclusively in SDT. The only problem was Chris. Chris is who we introduce the non-Jewish freshmen to in order to show them that our chapter isn’t that Jewish. Chris is what we call “a good look.” Except at this time, Chris was fighting with Stein because Stein would not turn on his phone flashlight to help Chris find his wallet after it had fallen beneath the vomit sofa. It was Friday night, which is Shabbat. Stein isn’t allowed to use electricity on Shabbat. This still does not change the fact that Stein kinda sucks.

Finally, it was Saturday: voting night. We put all the kids on a slide show and vote on them one-by-one. As rush chairman, I had to ensure that at least 75% of the bids we gave out went to Jewish kids. This is one of the many reasons why my Nationals sucks more than your Nationals. Voting was typical. A lot of kids from North Jersey, New York, and “right outside” Philly. We gave a bid to this kid Jaime, an Asian Jew from LA. Kid is hype. And in the end, Stein only spoke once the whole night. Great success.

That, readers, is the typical rush process of a Jewish fraternity. When your friends tell you that Jewish Greek life is different than Greek life, please, believe them.

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Broties n Boatshoes

    Introducing yourself as Adolf at the Jewish Fraternity rush. Power move.

    8 years ago at 3:37 pm
  2. 40yroldVman

    I’m perplexed. You seem kind of obsessed with your vomit couch. Girls don’t dig vomit couches. It’s time to get the Bergs, the Cohens and the Steins to clean up your shit hole of a house. Jesus, the stories are true. You Jewish guys are so spoiled by your moms you don’t even know how to clean.

    But props and getting girls to your Risky Business party. I’m sure they were kind of confused when they saw a bunch of dudes dressed like bitches after a one night stand. Cheers!

    8 years ago at 3:51 pm
    1. Booga Suga

      Don’t bring Jesus into this. It’s still awkward to bring up, especially this time of year…

      8 years ago at 3:53 pm
      1. 40yroldVman

        Jesus was a JEW!

        His disciples were JEWS!

        There weren’t Christians until the Romans fed them to the lions at the Coliseum. That’s what my half Jewish, baptized Roman Catholic, religion teacher told me at my Jesuit high school while the Jews had free time during religion class . . .

        8 years ago at 4:07 pm
      2. 40yroldVman

        I failed to disclose my girlfriend is a Jew, lovely girl, so I get a pass on the post above. I love all Jews, they are just Christians accept they don’t believe in heaven and because of them girls think uncircumcised penises are “weird” and “strange.”

        8 years ago at 4:10 pm
      3. 40yroldVman

        It’s fair disclosure. She is actually a Jew. Her parents aren’t happy because I’m not a Jew. It’s actually a thing because our children wouldn’t be raised Jews. What I would really love to tell her Dad is I have no intention to marry their daughter because we met on Tinder and so she will be available for a good Jewish boy soon. This actually gives me an idea to hook up a friend of mine who is Jewish by giving him the heads up when I plan to dump her. I’ll provide all of the strategic intelligence he would need to bed and wed her so she stays in the clan. God damn, I brilliant!

        8 years ago at 4:21 pm
      4. Booga Suga

        What the hell just happened?? Did you just have a religious aneurysm? No one gives a fuck

        8 years ago at 4:37 pm
      5. SteveHoltOnDrugs

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it more polite to say “My girlfriend is Jewish” rather than “My girlfriend is a Jew”? Solid column, by the way.

        8 years ago at 8:02 pm
      6. CanadianB4C0N

        Unless she’s ultra-orthodox Judaism via marriage traditionally comes from the mother’s side so that whole “kids won’t be raised Jewish” bit is inaccurate.

        8 years ago at 8:52 pm
    1. CantHang

      This dude’s still mad that his freshman year girlfriend cucked him with some 100% kosher cut Hebrew National beef sausage.

      8 years ago at 3:41 pm
  3. Blowjob420

    I’m just waiting for that fucking German kid to come in here and blast the ever living shit out of this man. Unless he already got banned, which wouldn’t surprise me

    8 years ago at 4:06 pm
    1. 40yroldVman

      Oh banned for sure. Not even TFM is going to keep a Nazi around. That heat isn’t good for anyone.

      8 years ago at 4:24 pm