Russia’s Top Diplomat Just Called Americans Pussies. Seriously. Literally.


It must be nice to work for a dictatorship. I mean, that is right up until a horde of angry peasants breaks down the gates to your palatial estate and drowns your whole family in the garden fountain. Not exactly an easy thing to explain to your weeping children as it’s happening, I’d guess. You just have to be honest.

“Oh, what? You thought all your ponies were free? This is what they cost.”

But until then, man, it’s got to be a total cake walk compared to what politicians in decent, respectable democracies deal with. You can say what you want, do what you want — whatever. You think a Russian politician would go down in flames for saying he grabs women by the pussy whenever he feels like it? They could probably get an official Russian government badge that reads “Pussy Inspector” made for them. And not as a joke. As a real position. With pay. Russian government officials might very well actually send their goons out to grab, by the pussy, the women they want to have for the night.

“Eez zis not how guvernmient o-feesh-oal gets vuhjinna? Sind poleez to diance akatomy to grib ballerina by vuhjin and brink back to huh-tel suh-weet?”

While American women are (rightly) disturbed by Trump’s statement, in Russia I’m not sure that would even get a weathered, be-headscarfed lady to look up from her bowl of cabbage soup.

“He eez guvernmient o-feesh-oal, no? Theez eez powverful me-an. A puzzy grab eez small pre-ice to pey for peez uv me-ind.”

Regardless of how much, uh, creative freedom the officials and diplomats of a dictatorship have, it’s still somewhat jarring to hear them release all their fucks into the wind and outright say one of their rival nations is full of pussies. But that’s exactly what Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (literally Russia’s top diplomat) did while speaking with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. When asked about Trump’s comments on the leaked Access Hollywood tape, and the U.S. election in general, Lavrov responded by saying the following:

There are so many pussies around the presidential campaign on both sides that I prefer not to comment on this.

No really, here’s the video:

You’d think that maybe this was a casual aside from Lavrov, said from his personal perspective and not as any sort of official statement… except then the Russian Embassy’s official Twitter account tweeted the quote.

What’s somehow worse is that even Russians don’t take this as a good sign.

Valery Solovei, a professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the country’s top university for future diplomats, said the comments represented a dramatic departure.

“Lowering the language from the diplomatic to vulgar schoolyard level is a signal that Putin is ready to escalate political confrontation and burning his bridges,”

I look forward to our world war.

Even I can’t argue that all the whining and pearl clutching from both the left and the right this election — He’s Hitler! No she’s Hitler! THIS IS THE END OF THE REPUBLIC AS WE KNOW IT THE FLAMES AND THE DARKNESS WILL CONSUME US ALL — doesn’t make Americans seem all that stable or resilient. Still, at the end of the day, the ultimate pussy is the troll, and trolling is essentially what Russia has been doing for the past three or four years at least. And we shouldn’t feed the trolls, they have plenty of cabbage soup.

[via Bloomberg]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. fratmasterII

    It must be nice to work for a dictatorship. I mean, that is right up until you and everyone else gets fired/laid off by that dictatorship.

    8 years ago at 4:05 pm
    1. Jean R Lacoste

      Let’s face it, those who have been around since the early days can’t deny that TFM has been undergoing a progressive and not so subtle takeover aimed at realigning it with the leftist trends of political correctness. They’d rather see it go under and it turn into another Buzzfeed like abomination than have it retain its original character (remember the forums?). This might have been the last straw.

      8 years ago at 5:06 pm
      1. Fratchelor Pad

        There may be something/someone here, I highly doubt an account created…

        “Member Since 07/04/2011”

        …like this guy just popped up and made his first comment on it in half a decade.

        8 years ago at 5:51 pm
      2. frat_v_wade

        Yep. Firing Boosh and Regester was the last straw for me. Moving on from this site and Rob Fox’s leftist agenda. Only person who is funny on this site anymore is Bolen, everyone else sucks. Especially Borislow, fuck that guy.

        8 years ago at 9:46 pm
      3. CanadianB4C0N

        Disregarding your principals for mainstream success rather than sticking to them no matter who the fuck says what is NF as shit

        8 years ago at 12:50 am
  2. IglooButts

    Rob was Sibs actually let go or did he just leave on his own free will. I find it hard to believe you all canned a freelancer.

    8 years ago at 4:07 pm
  3. FDRs legs

    *hears about writers being fired*
    It’s as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
    Oh wait, that’s just TFM failscaiding

    8 years ago at 4:17 pm
  4. Coloradosown

    Let’s be real though, half of Americans are pussies. With all this PC bullshit and people crying about privilege and not getting their way, how can you blame him?
    And our number one threat right now is middle aged white men dressing up as clowns and walking around wooded areas

    8 years ago at 10:05 pm