Rutgers Allegedly Uploaded A Photo Of A Student’s Massive Boner To Its Official Facebook Page

Rutgers University, the Big Ten’s best football school, allegedly uploaded a photo of four students and one massive wiener to the school’s official Facebook page. The photo was taken at the RU Muddy Run, which sounds like some kind of truly awful Rutgers tradition.

Here is the photo, courtesy of Imgur:


A lot of questions must be asked now. Is it real? Who is the man attached to this monster cock? Boner or flaccid? We demand answers, dammit.

A plausible explanation is that it was formed by air bubbles outlining the shape of a dick. That seems more likely. But it still is possible that this dude is carrying a big stick, just like Mr. Roosevelt recommended.

[via Imgur]

Image via Twitter

  1. EQK

    I imagine that’s what the intern looks like after he and Dorn finish their weekly Cleveland Steamer.

    10 years ago at 8:54 pm